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Codename Entertainment
Change Phase Skip to buy crusader levels instead of skip areas?

58 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 23rd 2019 at 5:49 PM
I understand and appreciate the thoughts behind Phase Skip but I also see the downside to buying many levels. Almost as soon as it was available, I bought 5 ranks in the talent and have been skipping to area 25 and mostly enjoying it. I don't see much point in buying more ranks and some day may divest my ranks, though this probably would not be worth the effort, but on a forced respec the ranks might not be bought.

That said, I would prefer to have instant/immediate purchase of crusader levels (and upgrades?) such that, with enough ranks purchased, a player could immediately restore a saved formation and not need to wait for enough gold to be acquired from defeating enemies and bosses.

I am not certain whether the ranks should:

1) buy a flat amount of gold to spend (a la Spend-It-All and Buy-All-Upgrades would allow), or

2) determine how many 25s or 100s of levels are bought

or whether this even matters. So this would be left to the CotLI team to decide/tune.

#2 would be something like:

* the first rank buys 100 levels of seat 1 and no more
* the second rank buys 200 levels of seat 1 and 100 levels of seat 2
* the third rank buys 300 levels of seat 1, 200 levels of seat 2 and 100 levels of seat 3

this way would possibly need to buy the number of levels of all crusaders who share a given seat. this seems fine to me, but could argue for using #1 instead.


781 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 23rd 2019 at 7:14 PM
I'm honestly fine with how the talent works. What's the downside? You don't get the chests for those areas? Okay, sure, but how many chests per run does that ACTUALLY amount to? The talent caps at 100 areas, a boss every 5 area means 20 bosses, and so, AT MOST, you'd be missing 20 chests, and that's probably not the case since even with Ana's golden legendary clover, the drop isn't guaranteed. She gives an ideal 90% rate (I think), so more like (20 x 0.9 =) 18 chests on average. Compared to...? Well, even if we ONLY compare to areas that can be sprinted to, 2000/5 = 400 x 0.9 = 360. So 18 out of 360 chests on average are not obtained, assuming both talents are maxed. That's %5 of chests.

So if you miss out on 5% of chests, on average, how much effort does it take to regain those chests? Well, if one sprint run is 360 chests and we want to figure out how many runs it would take for the cumulative 5% reduction to amount to equal or greater than 360, well...we already know that the losses amount to 5%, so obviously the losses of 20 runs amount to the benefits of a single run (20 x 5% = 100%). Meaning...

21 Phase Skip runs = 20 non-Phase-Skip runs.

That's really not much of a difference at all. The "losses" from the talent are WILDLY compensated for by the extra sprinting levels given by the other talent. If I had to choose between the slight speed boost of starting at area 100 and not having 5% of my chests "taken away", I'd happily go with the speed buff. Chests are so innumerable that I'll never feel like that 5% will make even the slightest noticeable dent in my progression, but being able to FINISH a run that much faster? I'll notice that.
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