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Codename Entertainment
Idea's for use for excess seeds in Spring Event
763 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 19th 2019 at 2:39 PM
Russel Denton
So I have been speaking to a few players, and one of the min topics that gets raised is what to do with excess seeds ( the ones you buy all those pretty flowers/trees with ), so I have been coming up with a few idea’s , and here they are:

1 – At the end of the event we can hand in our excess seeds and convert them into BB’S – the conversion rate would be like every 10-20 seeds for 10 BB’S

2- At the end of the event we can hand in our excess seeds and convert them into gems, the conversion rate would be like every 10-20 we get a certain gem
(pending on players level )

3- At the end of the event we can hand in our excess seeds and convert them into any token of our choosing , the conversion rate would be 10-20 seeds for 10 tokens of our choice

4- During the event we have a quest where we can roam through the lands of Bushwhackia and use our seeds by clicking on some of our favourite plants in the zones and then having the ability to use/put them on our ranch

Happy to hear other players thoughts
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 19th 2019 at 3:25 PM
i think 1-3 are way way too unbalanced. more like 1000 seeds for one bb or one token is more like it if the devs ever implement this.

4 is ok, but you do know you already can obtain all these flowers for your ranch, the beekeeper far left his bottom option. flowers for event tokens at a kind of high ratio of like one or 2 flowers per days worth of your event tokens. i have half the flowers might not get all this year but there always is next and so on. it might be nice to convert seeds to get remaining flowers.
5 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 19th 2019 at 10:26 PM
I think they're all good ideas. As mentioned, the exchange rates may be a little off, but they're good ideas.
5 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 19th 2019 at 10:32 PM
liz1877 also suggested we be able to buy the snack packs with excess seeds - or even the tokens in order to get snack packs.
1096 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 20th 2019 at 10:57 AM
Last Edited May 20th 2019 at 5:26 PM
Barbara Tompkins
Good Idea Russel...

Yet.. It would be nice to buy diff sizes of trellis's, wheelbarrow and even a sitting bench, with the excess seeds in next's year event.
Moreover,,, I would like to be able to place our own statue in the garden next year.....just saying...
All of course with our excess seeds...
372 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 20th 2019 at 4:04 PM
Quite a few players are unhappy that they can't buy as many gifts during this event because it's slower to get tokens. Making the gifts buyable for seeds would solve that.

Trading seeds for any sort of in-game token won't work. I have 16,000 excess with four days still to go and I won't be planting any more flowers, how can you balance that? Plus players might not bother with the garden contest if their seeds are valuable.
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 20th 2019 at 5:15 PM
at least use them up buying planters, pots or water cans. i know it is tedious as i bought several hundred the other day
372 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 21st 2019 at 2:31 AM
There's no point. Once you have A+ from the last judge there's no benefit to increasing your event score. The only reason to keep planting is if you haven't finished your contest entry.
Post by tgcougar deleted March 26th 2020 at 1:20 PM
372 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 21st 2019 at 6:57 AM
They increase your event score but that's not related to your score for the competition. That comes from the other players' votes.

For this event (and halloween), increasing your score doesn't get you any more event tokens. In the other events there's benefit because the higher your score the more tokens you get and you can buy bonus satchels.
763 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 24th 2019 at 12:49 AM
Russel Denton
Hi fellow bushwhackians, I would like to thank those players for contributing idea’s , now I have taken into account that my conversion rates for idea’s 1-3 were a tad bit off so i have given it a bit of thought so here’s a improved lot of idea’s

1- At the end of the event we can hand in our excess seeds and convert them into BB’S – the conversion rate would be like every 500-1000 seeds for 5 BB’S

2- At the end of the event we can hand in our excess seeds and convert them into gems, the conversion rate would be like every 1000-2000 we get a certain gem
(pending on players level )

3- At the end of the event we can hand in our excess seeds and convert them into any token of our choosing , the conversion rate would be 2000-3000 seeds for 10 tokens of our choice

4- this idea, we have mother nature appear in the event area, in the last week of the event, and she says that there is a few rare plants throughout the lands of bushwhackia, and we have the opportunity to clone them ( costing 1000-2000 seeds), by using our excess seeds, these plants could be the following;

- the venus-fly trap plant in Northern swamp bottom right corner of map
- Glowing greenish fungi in the dusky woods north of top right field
- Blue, pink and orange flowers in the first field of vacatau island – each one can be gotten for the cost
- Red aquatic rose-type plant in the desert city gate top left corner in the mirage/pond
- Glowing blue-ish fungi in the crystal mine entrance , left middle field
- Huge ass pine tree in the idyllic isles, can be seen on the map for the area too
- Orangish fungi , mushroom shore, between the 2 right hand fields

This quest would be repeatable every 20hrs if you had enough seeds though

Happy to hear folks thoughts
260 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 25th 2019 at 8:28 PM
Hi Russel! ... still voting for option #4
rare plants from different locations, so everyone (level wise) is included.
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