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Codename Entertainment
Can no longer run even when mounted (autorun is on)
1 Post
Link to post - Posted May 11th 2019 at 3:49 PM
I just completed the Yoli Tzontli Alter where I had to outrun the boulder. I equipped some speed trinkets and was able to make it through. After completing it, I put my old trinkets back on, but I was moving at a slower "walk" pace even when mounted. I checked that the autorun was turned on, removed all my trinkets, unmounted, but I was still moving slow. I re-equipped everything and remounted, autorun was still on, but nothing changed and I am still moving at a walking speed. If I walk without my mount, it is like I am walking through molasses. How do I fix this issue?
372 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 16th 2019 at 2:22 PM
Had that problem during the Easter event when using speed trinkets for the hunt. Reloading the game fixed it.
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