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Codename Entertainment
Ruby Exchange

14 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 8th 2019 at 2:23 PM
I would like to know if you'll provide to add some other options in order to buy not only chests ?

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 8th 2019 at 11:06 PM
They are already planning to add more items to the ruby shop. They said to keep about 1000-2000 rubies available for when they add the items in.

14 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 9th 2019 at 4:31 AM
Thanks Aminenut

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 9th 2019 at 10:49 AM
Update: They changed the amount. You'll want to keep at least 5000 rubies on-hand for the items in the ruby shop.

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 9th 2019 at 11:42 AM
Personally, I'm not interested in the "at least" part, I'd much rather know the "at most". Meaning, the amount of rubies I would need to buy everything the ruby shop offers right away. Maybe I won't buy all the available items, but I'd like to have the option to do so if it's worth it.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 9th 2019 at 1:35 PM
The words they used were just "5000 rubies" as if that was the exact amount, no "at least" or "at most" being noted. I added "at least" as a sort of disclaimer if the number ends up being higher by the time the items get added into the store. Right now, it seems like at least 5000 is guaranteed, but I know as much as you do (nothing) in regards to whether or not that number will rise or lower by the time the items become available.
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