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Codename Entertainment
A Controversial Crusader

137 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 18th 2019 at 6:59 AM
I'm sure that this would be considered trolling or potentially catastrophic for PR and thus would never be used, but I thought it amusing enough to share...

Dr. Evil's older, more twisted brother: Dr. Live, ND! (That's a Naturopathic Doctor, someone who hates normal scientific medicine with such passion that they paid good money to con artists to acquire the accreditation to push placebos and tell everyone they're a doctor who would never let their children be vaccinated.) Dr. Live has been forcibly restrained from practicing his healing arts on the party but sees nothing wrong with distributing them to your enemies. The results speak for themselves: slower movement, lower max HP, a debilitating disease that always seems to spring up despite his very best immunization-boosting teas and spread like wildfire to slowly kill as they fight the crusaders that have brought this evil (I mean live) upon them... if it's even 1% of HP per infected that could seriously bolster tank formations, so maybe he can't quite copy Dr. Evil's habit of multiplying the effect per unit infected.
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