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Codename Entertainment
The next speed crusader

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 16th 2019 at 3:21 AM
With Ishtar, we have yet another speed crusader: by increasing the number of monsters per wave, she effectively speeds up the fulfillment of area requirements.

My point is: do we really need any more speed crusaders? Most advanced players already know that speed is good, but only up to a point. Any gain is now marginal, because of the big bottleneck represented by the transition between areas. This makes speed crusaders redundant, and only useful if they also provide substantial DPS increase.

My suggestion is to introduce, in the future, a crusader with the only really useful ability, speed-wise, which is the reduction of the transition time between areas. Alternatively, a talent that does the same would be greatly appreciated. This is because, for many players, more time is spent changing areas than fulfilling area requirements, so I'm afraid any ability that speeds up only the latter is of marginal utility at best.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 16th 2019 at 1:31 PM
I disagree with the screen transition time argument. Yes, it's the longest part of any area, but that's just by effect of having so much speed in a formation that complaining about the length of time to transition between areas is like complaining that your house isn't big enough to hold all your money. This is just part of the game. As you continue to make any game easier and easier, you get closer and closer to the point that the player isn't even really interacting with the game. Speeding up scene transitions would add yet another enormous speed buff to a game that is intended to be an IDLE game. Kind of defeats the purpose when you can blitz to area 2600 within 2 hours. For example, in other genres...

In action games like DMC: If enemies die from one hit and you can insta-warp through doors and such to immediately reach the next event while ignoring loading times, then what's the point of playing the game anymore? Or holding down a single button to do full combos and insta-block any incoming attack. What's the point of combat?

In strategy/turn-based games: If you have infinite turns before the opponent can act, there's no point. Infinite ammo, max stats, infinite attack range, at what point has the game turned into practice mode?

In FPS games: If you're invisible, invulnerable, have auto-aim on, shot silencing, moon jump, and OHKO shots, then what are YOU, the player, actually doing?

Simply, if you take the "idle" out of "idle game", what do you have left? "Game"? That's how people refer to things that are as generic as possible. "Introducing sugarless, colorless, healthy, Plain Oats cereal. They'"

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 16th 2019 at 5:45 PM
Last Edited February 16th 2019 at 5:47 PM
I'm not asking to remove it. I'm asking to shorten it. Maybe 30% less with a golden epic item (the basic effect, not the one upgradable with levels). Yes, we have a lot of speed crusaders, but that's exactly my point: we don't need more of those, unless they speed up the transition screen. The devs have come up with several ideas to speed up runs (basic spawn speed increase, multiple drops, increased drop rate, now extra enemies per wave, etc.), to the point that new speed buffs are useless, and crusaders that would have been great a while ago are now worthless, unless they have other skills that boost your DPS. Since the transition screen is the longest part of an area, and you agree with that, any new speed buffers that don't address this are basically useless. It doesn't make much sense, to spend time trying to come up with new skills that speed up runs, when nobody would need those...

By the way, a talent would would equally well. Maybe 20-30 levels, 1% reduction time per level. Make the cost steep if you want (I think it should be, personally), but give the players that option.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 16th 2019 at 7:09 PM
In terms of new speed crusaders affecting mid-area progression, I think the idea is just to add more options. For example, if only females are allowed in a challenge, the more FEMALE speed crusaders are in the game, the faster the challenge will go. Insta-clearing an area is only in ideal situations, but not every situation in the game is ideal. Having many different speed crusaders with unique tags opens more doors for customization within restrictive conditions. Most speed crusaders are male, so adding another female speed crusader helps balance out the options for customization across the board.

P.S. Kind of unrelated, but just wanted to mention it. Ishtar, has, so, many, dang, tags. Supernatual AND magical at the same time? That's a first. AND royal? *AND* demon?!

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 17th 2019 at 3:51 AM
You're right about giving more options, but we both know that the vast majority of the time is spent on free plays, insta-killing enemies. That's why I'd like a speed crusader that is actually relevant...

PS: yeah, so many tags :D And great legendary items too, once she's in full legendary gear, I'll probably swap her with another support in my formation. But that's because of her buffs, not because of her speeding skill :D
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