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Codename Entertainment
Holiday stress (and Hygge)
Lvl 440 "Loves The Developers"
799 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 24th 2018 at 10:23 AM
Last Edited December 24th 2018 at 10:24 AM
Rebecca Beattie
In RL I have been interacting with a number of people that are giving in to holiday stress and being disagreeable with each other. I praying that everyone that gives in to shouting at other people or cursing at traffic (or what ever lashing out they wind up doing) That all those people can regain their balance and forget.

And then there are the people that give gifts that are like dead rats that cats bring home.. (its important to remember the love instilled by the cat in the dead rat). Some gifts are just easier to appreciate than others.

The Danish, apparently, have a wonderful word for the act of adding to the warmth of the season and helping others feel happy. I think the word might be "Hygge". (or I might not be googling correctly.)

Here in BW2 we have a unique opportunity to add to each others comfort in the holiday season. We gather to play a silly game. We do this day in day out year round. We have real relationships with each other here on the internet.

So here's to all the warmth we can muster and share;
the strength to let real or perceived slights (or general holiday grumpiness) slide away like water off a ducks back;
and our shared generosity of spirit and the wisdom to notice all the others are offering to help us play.
Post by tgcougar deleted March 24th 2020 at 12:36 PM
1530 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 24th 2018 at 1:14 PM
I feel fortunate to not have experienced this year what you have described. I hope you keep your spirits up and enjoy the rest of this holiday.
Hugs & Merry Christmas :)
Lvl 440 "Loves The Developers"
799 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 24th 2018 at 8:42 PM
Rebecca Beattie
most people are fine... there are moments.

Today I was in my car in a parking lot looking for a space. I was kind of boxed in. The car to my left started to back up out of his space. He was aiming the rear of his truck directly at my drivers side door. I beeped, I honked, I leaned on my horn. He stopped and went forward and finished parking his car and got out to shop.

The people near by that saw and heard this bit indicated that they thought he must be a bit crazy.... This was a not so good thing on the lighter side.

The best of today was catching a young man's (preschool aged young man) lost balloon and returning it to him. Another wonderful thing was getting to snuggle a Chihuahua that was shopping with her person.

I love some of the random wonderful things that can happen between strangers
Lvl 440 "Loves The Developers"
799 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 24th 2018 at 8:42 PM
Rebecca Beattie
Back at you Greg !!!

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