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Codename Entertainment
"Where Did They Go?"

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 28th 2011 at 7:23 PM
Nate Dauer
Raymond Jerome
I just send any that I find to random people among my friends. I still have some 40 or so people who don't have their statue complete, but it could be that they also don''t play the game any longer. I wish that the 'bugging your friends' player filter could appear when you want it to so as to know who's active and whos not, and to be able to sort those in terms of time.
(found here:

I complete agree with this. The other day it popped up for me and I was torn because:
1. I wanted to look over the list more carefully.
2. I wanted to close it so I could start whacking because I was full on energy.

I ended up actually taking a quick screen-shot as a solution, but even still, I think an option to bring it up at will would be nice. Plus, I don't think everyone knows how to take a quick screenshot off-hand.

799 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 28th 2011 at 7:34 PM
Rebecca Beattie
Nate, please forgive me if I am butting in.

If you goto Sash in the Castle area
and ask to remove friends
and ask to remove multiple friends
You will see a list of your friends that can be sorted by name, or date last played, or level
if you open that in one window, and go to the mailbox in another window; you can pick a good friend to send a statue piece to.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 28th 2011 at 8:27 PM
That's great, but that's something that should be available when sending a Statue Fragment without having to open other windows to do it.

P.S. Has anyone noticed that the filter of "Bushwhacker Players" when sending a Giants Request is totally not correct? Many friends that I know play, and many that I know who don't play anymore but who never delete/block an App do not show up there, they show up in the All filter.

799 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 28th 2011 at 8:33 PM
Rebecca Beattie
I didn't notice that we are in the Feature request area... and I guess I didn't understand the request ... I do agree that it would be nice to see who's been playing recently in this post box list

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