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Codename Entertainment Forums > Legacy Games > Bush Whacker > General Discussion > forum useage
forum useage
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- Posted November 28th 2011 at 5:50 PM
Rebecca BeattieRight now forum usage is a bit creative; Do you like it that way... So everyone just uses there own judgement about where to post?
Do we want to encourage people to start threads that might result in spoiler content to be in the "User Support" area? And try to keep the general area spoiler free? do we want to ask the Devs to change the description of the "Support" Forum to include a request to put all "Spoiler" stuff there. So what do you think? |
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- Posted November 28th 2011 at 7:03 PM
Meisha MarieGood idea I think people should just be courteous enough to answer the question posted or at the top of their post put the word spoiler in all caps. I think there should be a totally different board for a Guide area to post spoilers. But I haven't noticed any spoilers at all, but I ruin surprises for myself by looking at threads that are for people past my level but I do it on purpose.
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- Posted November 28th 2011 at 7:14 PM
Rebecca BeattieLast Edited November 28th 2011 at 7:20 PM warning .... post below is a bit of a ramble lol < blush >
when I have a game question I only occasionally think of it as a "Problem". When I read the description of the Support Forum I think about questions like: "why is BW taking so long to load?" or "After the upgrade my graphics look weird. Did I do something?" or "... Do you think I need to submit a ticket?" or "Is this a browser issue?" Questions like the one below don't seem like problems to me.. : "Why cant I find the mad scientists quests? he has a gold ?" that seems like a puzzle more than a problem and I would tend to go to the General Discussion But I admit that the answer could be a spoiler... I am betting that the descriptions are a bit vague so we users can help define the spaces in the way we use the space. I think that Nate didnt find the wording vague at all. so I guess there is some difference in the way he and I see this one. I for one like the differences here. I like learning from people. I am all for a bit of chaos on the boards... but if the more regular users agree that we want to keep spoilers out of the "General" Board I will try to help. |
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- Posted November 28th 2011 at 7:26 PM
Nate DauerWell, I too initially thought that User Support would be more related to your first set of questions, but the line about "fellow users" seems to strongly suggest otherwise. Especially since it only says "occasionally" in regards to a developer.
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- Posted November 28th 2011 at 7:49 PM
Rebecca BeattieIn this forum and other forums I have gotten some of my best technical support from "Fellow Users" I suspect that the Devs realize that we have the ability to provide good game and simple computer support for each other.
Nate, I was guessing that your efforts to coach people to use the Support forum was about Spoilers... now I am guessing that your motives were different. I am guessing that the Devs would go along with our wisdom and change the descriptions if we got clear about what is best... Maybe nothing needs to happen... maybe life here could be better with some changes. |
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- Posted November 29th 2011 at 12:41 AM
Bob WoodsI am pretty much good with it however it goes, except the add me's. You have to read the first page to decide where you are going, so you can clearly see the add me. If they post whatever they need to or reply and then at the end of their post/reply tack on add me, I see no problem with that. Otherwise, they should be pelted with gooey flaming monkey brains!
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- Posted November 29th 2011 at 6:33 AM
Rebecca BeattieI like statue piece offer and requests in add me...
(is that what you do with the spare monkey parts, how disrespectful) |
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- Posted November 29th 2011 at 8:34 PM
Nate DauerThe spoilers part hadn't actually even occurred to me... :P
But I don't think there's much we could do about that one way or another anyhow. Plus, I think most veteran gamers know that, if you go to the forums, you're likely to learn something valuable, but you're also likely to have a few surprises spoiled for you. For me, spoilers haven't been much of an issue anyways. A good (personal) example is this: Back when a lot of people were finishing the King's Quests finally, it was being posted about quite a bit. Yet even when I skimmed over those topics I managed to avoid finding out what the ending was, other than most people were describing it as "disappointing". I've completed it myself now, and I have to agree with them - it was "disappointing". That said, I think most of the people who actually discuss the game here tend to be pretty good about being discreet with such things. There are a lot people who don't seem to care about spoilers anyhow. P.S. At this point Rebecca, I'm well-aware that you never mean disrespect in your posts, so if you post something that comes across as such, I'm just going to shrug it off as miscommunication. That said, you don't have to explain yourself when you're worried you might've offended me (or likely any of the other regulars). ;) |
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- Posted December 1st 2011 at 1:12 AM
Bob WoodsWell Rebecca, I tried to sell the spare monkey parts to the Mad Scientist, but he insisted on going with Panda and everything else! Might as well use them for something so they don't go to waste and if that something else also happens to be fun, I figure why not go for the gold!
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- Posted December 1st 2011 at 9:06 AM
Rebecca BeattieBob: I should have known that's where the Spare parts market is. Does he buy anything else from you?
Nate: Thanks, you are ok. |
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- Posted December 2nd 2011 at 10:01 PM
Bob WoodsI woud tell you what else he buys, Rebecca, but he paid for my silence, lol.
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