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Codename Entertainment
New Crusader: Mother StarWeb /incomplete

85 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 2nd 2018 at 10:29 AM
Last Edited February 2nd 2018 at 10:31 AM
Name: Mother StarWeb
Tags: Female; Event; Robot; Royal; Support; Alien


1 Viral Process: Increase the DPS of Robot Crusaders by 10% per Robot in the formation.
Quote: “I am the virus, The virus is me.”

2 Resource Acquisition: Increases monster spawn speed by +1% per robot in formation.
Quote: “I won't be a product of my environment. My environment will be a product of me.”

3 Judgement Day: For every 25 levels over and including 200, Mother StarWeb's DPS is multiplied by 4x. This multiplier stacks.
Quote: “There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.”

4 Pirate Master: Increase the base DPS of Robot Crusaders by 10% per Robot in the formation.
Quote: “Greyskull you now serve me as one of my commanders.”

5 Mother Queen: Upgrade Cost of Robots is reduced -1% per Robot.
Quote: “Beware the Power Suit.”

6 Cyborg Virus: Non Robot Crusaders count as Robots. Robot Crusaders count as 2 robots.
Quote: “Resistance is futile.”

7 Synthetic Ascension: Every 20XP raise Mother StarWeb's Robotic Count +1.
Quote: “By the power that will transform our lowly bodies.”


Ability 1

Common: Broken Brain Jar
Quote: “Oh No It has escaped!”

Uncommon: Cracked Brain Jar
Quote: “It is a bit stale.”

Rare: Pristine Brain Jar
Quote: “A perfectly good brain.”

Epic: Weaponized Integrated Brain Jar
Quote: “Who gave it control of a the weapons?”

Legend: Planetary Defense Integrated Brain Jar
Ability: Viral Process and Pirate Master per Robot is increased +100%.

Ability 2

Common: Fake Missile
Ability: Crusaders you control gain +1% DPS and +1% base DPS per Robot in formation.
Quote: “It is just made of foam.”

Uncommon: Normal Missile
Ability: Crusaders you control gain +2% DPS and +2% base DPS per Robot in formation.
Quote: “It packs a nice punch.”

Rare: Super Missile
Ability: Crusaders you control gain +3% DPS and +3% base DPS per Robot in formation.
Quote: “It shatters frozen aliens good.”

Epic: Super Missile of Alien Fighting
Ability: Crusaders you control gain +4% DPS and +4% base DPS per Robot in formation.
Quote: “All aliens tremble in fear.”

Legend: Alien Missile of X-Alien Eratication
Ability: Crusaders you control gain +5% DPS and +5% base DPS per Robot in formation.
Ability: Increase Gold found by +5% per robot in formation.
Quote: “Product Advertising: AMXA Kills aliens dead.”

Ability 3

Common: Broken Time Machine
Ability: Mother StarWeb counts as 2 Robots in formation.
Quote: “We will get it working eventually.”

Uncommon: Sparking Time Machine
Ability: Mother StarWeb counts as 3 Robots in formation.
Quote: “There's a 50% chance of reaching your target.”

Rare: Working Time Machine
Ability: Mother StarWeb counts as 4 Robots in formation.
Quote: “Your orders are set. Exterminate your target.”

Epic: Time Machine of Precision Transportation
Ability: Mother StarWeb counts as 6 Robots in formation.
Quote: “It will precisely transport you to your target.”

Legend: Time Machine of Multiple Target Transportations
Ability: Mother StarWeb counts as 8 Robots in formation.
Ability: All crusaders gain +100% DPS if The Exterminator is in formation.
Quote: “It will transport you and many copies to your target.”

83 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 2nd 2018 at 12:43 PM
I like it!

130 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 5th 2018 at 3:10 PM
Not bad!

The ability "Mother Queen" would definitely need a cap though.

85 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 5th 2018 at 4:35 PM
I don't have much of a sense of humor, but I tried to come up with some decent easter egg comments in the names and the quotes.

37 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 6th 2018 at 3:12 AM
Last Edited February 6th 2018 at 8:21 PM
Why not using these quotes for Time Machine:

Common: Fake Time Machine
Ability: Mother StarWeb counts as 2 Robots in formation.
Quote: “It only produce "Tick Tock Tick Tock" noise”

Uncommon: Sparking Time Machine
Ability: Mother StarWeb counts as 3 Robots in formation.
Quote: “It can't transport the clothes you're wearing, unfortunately”

Rare: Working Time Machine
Ability: Mother StarWeb counts as 4 Robots in formation.
Quote: “Beam me up Scotty!”

and this for Brain Jar:

Common: Broken Brain Jar
Quote: “Zombie ate the brain!”
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