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Codename Entertainment
In-game friends workaround - quickest way
Lvl 440 "Crazy Cat Lover"
670 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 29th 2017 at 1:57 AM
I will try to make this as easy to follow as possible. If there is any doubt, please ask.

The in-game friends thing is broken. Normally, after adding someone (my platform is facebook, I do not know how other platforms work) on facebook, they should be automatically added to your in-game friend list.

This has been broken for quite a few people for a couple of months.

Your in-game friends will not update automatically, but the person will still be added as someone you are able to send requests to.

Even if you are playing, and accept a friend request on facebook, they will be added.

Simply open up where you add more energy, and go to where you can request blue energy packs from friends.

In the search bar, type in the name of the newly added person. THEY SHOULD APPEAR. Select them, and send off an invite.

For me, a pop up will appear, asking me if I am sure I want to send the request. Select yes.

From now on, you should have the person as an in-game friend, and they should show up when you select 'recently played'.

I hope this is easy to understand. Any errors, please let me know. The back and forth weather and current heat in Australia has given me 'fibro fog' - a side effect of fibromyalgia.
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