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Codename Entertainment
Gifts and Help Requests of Friends

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 1st 2012 at 10:47 AM
Danielle Coleman
Could you please create it one local point to where our friend requests (i.e. friendship lock, house contest, etc.) appears when we go into Bushwhackers, and we just accept the request to help vice having to go to peoples profiles and searching within our own for the post to help each individual friend. I love this game, but hate that feature of having to search for friend requests, it is very annoying and it bothers me to the point where I don't care to help nor play. But of course to succeed, you need the help of your friends. thanks.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 1st 2012 at 11:24 AM
Talk to Sasha in one of the Haven squares and that will do everything other than the Giant and the daily loyalty stuff your friends send you. In facebook click on Apps and Games to see all that.

150 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 4th 2012 at 12:34 AM
Lottie Mytho
When you get a red number showing on top of the world symbol, at the top left of the FB page, click it to get a drop down of notifications. Right click the one/s that apply to BW requests and open in another tab. This will then show you all the requests you have been sent for BW (and any other apps). I keep this requests page open in another tab and just refresh the page whenever I get new notifications. You can accept all the daily spin shares from here and use the return to requests from the resulting page to get back to the remaining requests. You can accept the giant help requests here but will need to 'go back one page' (usually a back button at the top left of the browser)to get back to your requests page. A click on the world symbol will clear the red number so you will know when you have any new requests.
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