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Codename Entertainment
Achievement tracker

19 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 19th 2012 at 6:44 AM
Tami Shure
I think it would be nice, as part of the profile page, if you could see how close you are to a new achievement. For example, I am currently trying for the ones that say something about loosing mana or power due to being full, but have no idea what my goal is or how far I am from it.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 19th 2012 at 8:44 AM
most are 10 times the previous on

19 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 19th 2012 at 7:59 PM
Tami Shure
Yes, but what was the previous one? I do not remember what I was at when I completed the first stage(s).

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 19th 2012 at 8:12 PM
Last Edited February 19th 2012 at 8:14 PM
That doesn't make sense.
Every Achievement, has 1. A Name. And 2. A Description that in most cases if not all cases is quite descriptive. That description is for the Achievement that you have, so the next higher one will most likely be the 10x that I already told you.
For example, I have [We Require Infinite Energy!]
You've earned at least one hundred thousand energy by using energy packs from your friends!
So I know that I'm aiming for a Million which as the stats farther down in my profile show me as something I'll get in less that a few weeks.

What you can't know is the previous Achievement before that. But if you were perspicacious then you could compare your profile to several or dozens of people and see what all the variants of a certain Achievement are.

19 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 20th 2012 at 4:30 PM
Tami Shure
Okay, so let me rephrase myself. I want to play a mindless game and not have to use my mind to see how I am advancing. I like that I can go to either of the Egg Breaker games and see how I am doing, all in one spot. If this is isn't an option, okay. If this isn't something anyone would like, okay. I just wanted to get my opinion read (heard, whatever).

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 20th 2012 at 6:23 PM
Still not making sense, but that's OK I guess. The only thing that does make sense is the mindless thing.
"but have no idea what my goal is or how far I am from it."
You will have to use your mind to see just what your progress is because each and every thing that has an Achievement has actual tangible numbers tracked elsewhere in your profile and a simple division of a guess for a milestone with an actual number of your current position is all you need to do to see your 'progress'.

Let me tell you why I don't think the Developers would change this. 1. They are spending all their time and efforts on other games and are likely to focus less on this just like they have focused less on other of their 'legacy products'. 2. The Profile is already jam packed stuffed full of so much stuff that they had removed something of importance about a year ago because as they said 'it slowed down the presentation of information there'. What I'm talking about is the, at that time only 6, non-monsters. There are currently 66 of them and if only 6 is going to freeze things in this day and age of megabits per second high speed wide band internet then who knows what 66 is going to do, 11 times worse, LOL.

What you suggest is actually quite good, but in all honesty the Developers can't even add. Their game, in my Profile, states that I, and many others, are actually 102% done in the whole game itself. Their Profile states that I have 532 Customization Items but in actuality I only have 515 which is only 4 less than everything that exists. Sorry to be a bit disrespectful towards them but they have known about one of these things for over a month (which included one push of some programming that could have corrected it) and another thing for 8 months at least and have done nothing to correct it or explain it.

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 22nd 2012 at 5:24 PM
Nate Dauer
One of the things I've noticed (well, suspected) of DJ Arts is that they approach each game not as a permanent thing. That is, their games do have "ends" to them, such as Egg Breaker 1. After a certain point, they'll stop adding stuff to said games, and they'll introduce a sequel to it (with better graphics, a better design, etc.).

I suspect that, sooner or later, there will be a Bush Whacker 2 and there will be an "end" to the Bush Whacker game as we know it. That's a little depressing to think about, but I wouldn't be too upset so long as we get a real damn nice bonus for all the progress we made in the first one. :P

262 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 22nd 2012 at 5:56 PM
Melody October May
I hope not. I much prefer EB to EB2 - and since I love BW, I'd hate to see it quit advancing to bring out what may or may not be an inferior BW2!

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 22nd 2012 at 5:58 PM
Isn't that Mystic Whatever the sequel to BW? It's kind of related as EB2 is to EB1 in terms of general look and feel.
I felt sure that BW was on the outs when the mini-zones started out around June. The game is obviously way to big so the updates have to be smaller so that the game doesn't just get way to huge way to fast...
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