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Codename Entertainment
game won't load

86 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 10th 2012 at 1:19 AM
anyone else having problems with it not loading?

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 10th 2012 at 8:26 AM
The first thing anyone should do when there is a new update, and even perhaps once a week, is to clear your Flash cache.
One way to do that is to right click on the opening game and set the memory usage slider to 0, make sure the check box is not checked. Then reload the game. You will have to allow Flash to save to your drive. And that first load might take 5 minutes.
Another way is some esoteric url at the makers of flash where you can see exactly how much of your drive space is used by Flash for the servers of DJArts.
A third way is a program called CCCleaner.

in any case the first load will be slow, it's reloading hundreds of Megs. And it doesn't seem to matter what kind of connection you have. 2-5 minutes even on a T4.

86 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 10th 2012 at 2:42 PM
that was the first thing i tried Raymond but it still wouldn't, then about an hour later it loaded right up,i never had issues with B/W before that's why i posted it thinking maybe it was common among others,but seems only me.odd!! but thanks for your response

5 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 24th 2012 at 3:37 PM
Kelsey Ballas
I'm having the same problem. I got to the daily spin, but none of the slot graphics had loaded, then it locked up so I refreshed and it wouldn't load. I tried clearing my Flash cache, and it still won't load. I normally use Chrome, and I've gotten through the news and it won't load more than that. I tried it in Firefox and just got a grey square without being able to change flash settings, and I got the same in Internet Explorer. Not really sure how to fix it.

5 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 24th 2012 at 3:41 PM
Kelsey Ballas
Okay, right after I posted that I refreshed and it worked...
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