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Codename Entertainment
New sugestion for the game

4 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 8th 2012 at 7:46 PM
Last Edited February 8th 2012 at 7:49 PM
Piriquito Pereira
I have a suggestion that would be funny to some and forces players to spend some of their beloved diamonds and buy only items that are purchased with diamonds. Making an increase in the Pyramid and create an area where access would be allowed only to those who had already obtained if the three items that are bought with diamonds, being obliged to use them to carry out missions in the new area. This is my idea and it would be with the contents of the game and yours alterations .Other idea would be to combine the missions I mentioned in encontar the King's daughter, since the King has much in common with these three items or you could alie the two ideas
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