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Codename Entertainment
Lava Tube area in wrong zone

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 19th 2011 at 8:10 PM
Shannon Goodman
My Pyramid questing area has one zone as the Lava cave area. I can't complete the Pyramid quests because of this zone problem.
The zone that is wrong is the middle on the left.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 19th 2011 at 9:20 PM
What's the problem?
The Pyramid has a square that's called The Lava Tube, so. How does that prevent anything?
Here are the names of all the Pyramid Squares:
The Crash Site
The Buried Pyramid
The Underground Bazaar
The Slave Quarters
The Buried Throne
The Breach
The Lava Tube
The Hidden Chamber
The Conservatory
The Underground Oasis
The Gatekeepers Den
The Computer Core
only 8 of these are whackable, but all are part of the Pyramid.

If you play other mini-zones you will find that the Pirate Island has several Swamp squares and one Underwater square, and there are similar things in all the mini-zones.
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