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Codename Entertainment
Selling unused Collectibles/Equipment

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 19th 2011 at 8:57 AM
Bob Woods
I would like it if we could sell the collectibles and the capes. I do enjoy winning the collectibles, but some of them just aren't my cup of tea. I know I can leave the ones I am not really wanting in my inventory, but I would rather sell them or maybe have a closet where I can hide them, lol! And in a fit of strangeness, you could even have it so that when you opened the closet, it would start playing the Jaws theme, heralding the eventual fall of all the items hidden in the closet if you aren't fast enough! You could also have that song, Hiding in my Closet or Cleaning out my Closet, playing in the background, lol.

You could also set up a favorites for character costumes, that way we could just put a few changes of equipment in there, so we don't have to sort through the whole list. You could call it the Bushwhacker Overnight Bag of Limited Holding! Get yours now, before supplies never run out! Act now and we will throw in an overwhelming sense of ownership! And as an added bonus, if you buy now, we will even let you buy us dinner!

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 20th 2011 at 8:04 PM
Nate Dauer
I'd rather keep them all with a better interface to scroll through them.

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 20th 2011 at 11:56 PM
Bob Woods
That would be nice as well Nate, but quite frankly for me, some of that stuff I don't want, though I do enjoy winning it or collecting it.

14 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 21st 2011 at 12:51 PM
Daniel Henderson
i don't know about that one

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 22nd 2011 at 10:16 PM
Bob Woods
Well Daniel, I never said it was for everyone and the nice thing about being able to sell them, is it is completely voluntary.
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