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Codename Entertainment
Pete's Legendaries - Some changes

130 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 5th 2017 at 1:16 PM
On most Crusaders, the legendaries generally compliment one another, or at least, don't go against one another.

But in the case of Pete, his legendaries are, imo, not particularly well designed

The problems as I see them:
* The Chicken (depending on rank and positioning of Pete) gives incentive to never learn his Bad Joke ability.
* The Shoe, on the other hand, does give incentive to learn Bad Joke, but must then be levelled up much higher than the Chicken, so it is many times more powerful than the Chicken legendary, otherwise it's a waste of resources (well, it is kind of a waste regardless, since the Chicken just give "scrap bonus")
* All three of his legendaries revolve around Bad Joke, which is rather dull, imo.

So, I thus propose this:
* Chicken Legendary - Has both of the current Shoe- and Chicken-legendary effects merged: You get 10% per missed Bad Joke, and 25% per hitting Bad Joke. These effects stack together additively. So, if for example you miss 8 Crusaders and hit 4 Crusaders, you'll get a bonus of (8*10=80) + (4*25=100) = 180% dps bonus.
This way, you ALWAYS wanna learn Bad Joke and it has no conflict with any other of his Legendaries. All that matters is how you position him and/or your main DPSer.
* Shoe Legendary - A simple rework: Increase Global DPS by 10% for each Support Crusader in the formation (additive).
(Sidenote: Many of his skills are selfDPS boosts, even though he is not a good DPSer. Changing one or more of his skills could also allow his Shoe Legendary to revolve around such a new skill instead).

What do you say?

189 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 5th 2017 at 4:20 PM
I don't see why Chicken would give incentive NOT to learn Bad Joke - sure it boosts those not affected by Bad Joke, but it does so at a lower power. At the same Legendary level, i'm getting a 400% increase for those affected, and 160 for those unaffected (and on some formations i can get quite a lot affected). So the incentive is to get Bad Joke and position him so as many possible are affected, and the bonus is you still get a boost from those you can't.

I think they compliment each other beautifully - in that you get bonuses either way.

130 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 5th 2017 at 5:55 PM
1) You have to relize that not everyone is full epic/legendary. Someone that ONLY has the Chicken at a legendary level would never learn Bad Joke once the legendary bonus is higher than Bad Joke's regular effect itself.
2) If you have both legendaries, you kinda have to level up both items equally (gives the biggest benefit), which might not be so clear to those who are not so good with math.

By merging the effects into one legendary you skip both of those problems, along with opening up either of them to have a new effect.
It's not a matter of being able to make them work, it's about having a good design.

301 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 8th 2017 at 11:53 PM
Not leveling Bad Joke was good before nerf. After nerf it isnt.

130 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 7:16 AM
Last Edited June 9th 2017 at 9:48 AM
@Vingummi - That's still not true if the only thing you have is the Legendary Chicken... Even if you have both the Legendary Chicken and the Legendary Boxing Glove, if you can't make Bad Joke hit your main DPSer, levelling the skill is thus also detrimental for your DPS.

The Chicken's legendary effect, as it is right now, is not well-designed.
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