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Codename Entertainment
Global player reset
Post by Demonsamura deleted November 9th 2018 at 7:59 PM

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 31st 2017 at 11:41 AM
And the reason for this is from your perspective what?
Post by Demonsamura deleted November 9th 2018 at 7:59 PM

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 31st 2017 at 11:57 AM
thanks for the good laugh

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 31st 2017 at 4:04 PM
Sure, let's throw away 2 years of gameplay, I'm sure none of the old players will quit because of that...

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 31st 2017 at 6:15 PM
You guys are being too harsh. I don't mind grinding up another 2 million idols across thousands of resets just to save 10% on my car insurance. This sounds completely reasonable to me and not at all absurd in any way.

Seriously, though, unless that "scaling reward" was upwards of a permanent x1000 amount of idols on reset, this would not be even remotely worth it. And still not quite even with the idol buff if ONLY golden gear was kept.

46 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 31st 2017 at 8:29 PM
Last Edited May 31st 2017 at 8:31 PM
Muljo Stpho
Seems fairly safe to say that this won't happen.

But to humor the idea briefly, I would think that... I'd say introduce a new type of reset mechanic. (Don't force anything on the players, just expand the scope of the game into a new grind direction.) Like, this isn't just resetting the world, it's resetting the timeline. Or something like that. And introduce a new prestige token for it. The one for world resets is the Gemmed Idol from Bush Whacker, which is only a few steps up in the game's hierarchy of power odds trinkets. Perhaps a drop for a timeline reset would look like the Amber Idol or the Jade Cat Statue or whatever they might want it to be. So you'd reset all objective campaigns back to being counted as incomplete (including even getting the guaranteed chest drops on bosses again, although you'd keep all unlocked crusaders.) and maybe all of your world-reset-gained idols get condensed into a stronger form as Jade Idols or whatever (you'd keep most of the same DPS and gold bonus and there would be a new bonus added on top of that) and all of your other trinkets get condensed into stronger forms as legendary versions of those trinkets (conversion rates give 1 for every W common, X uncommon, Y rare, and Z epic trinkets that were owned) where those each grant a stronger form of the same bonus plus some new perk. The new perks would include things to make it easier to get going / easier to earn idols than it was originally... But the Jade Idols would not count as anything towards talents (unless perhaps it's for a slight % reduction in talent level costs). Only the regular old Gemmed Idols would be good for talents. And maybe all of your gear downgrades to common (except for Graham since we can't regain his stuff?) BUT you keep golden status where you have it (common, uncommon, and rare gear can have golden variants in this idea) AND all of your gear gains "Jade Levels" based on how high it was (including legendary levels) before the timeline reset, with some scaling bonus based on those levels (multiple timeline resets will keep piling up higher and higher bonuses to your gear through these levels).

I'm not really expecting the devs to leap at implementing anything I just suggested either. This was all pretty far out there. (And I didn't bother breaking it up into smaller paragraphs or better organized thoughts since I wasn't really taking it completely serious as I came up with it.)

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 1st 2017 at 4:37 AM
Either forced globally or due to a meta-reset function, the initial wish would not be met. Elite players would benefit most from it, naturally and rightly so, not closing the gap between newer and veteran players.

More in general: T4 Talents or T2 events aren't meant for newer players. I fear, a lot of players tend to forget this. There is so much content available before hitting those milestones or needing to use this. As Teschio mentioned, it took 'us' up to two years or more to have enough idols available to need a fourth Talent tier to spend them. And T4 talents are not supposed to be cheap. If they would be, we had the same situation as today in a few weeks.

Plus, in my humble opinion, newer players already are likely better off with the latest changes - especially the crafting and missions - than players who started a long while ago.
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