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Codename Entertainment
ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia
Lvl 440 "Crazy Cat Lover"
670 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 13th 2017 at 3:24 AM
Thank you for taking part in such a great cause!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

My mother, my sister, and I, all suffer from fibromyalgia, and my mother had ME/CFS really badly for 7 years. She missed 7 years of my sister and I growing up.

This is a great cause to support, and from the bottom of my heart, I thank you heaps. I wish I could have done more. But thank you again.
Lvl 440 "Loves The Developers"
799 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 13th 2017 at 7:06 AM
Rebecca Beattie
I just sent a "support ticket" to the devs to thank them. Can't say how much this means. I tear up each time I see the BW2 news. I never thought I'd see the day.

I was born with low energy and was Dxed with fibro in the early 80s. Lived with CFS/ME for all my life. Now my health is close enough to average that I can do a lot of the things that healthy people do. I still compensate for the disease on a daily basis. I'm still working to improve my health and diminish the disease.

At its worst I couldn't walk 2 blocks. At its worst I needed 16-20 hours of sleep a day. At its worst my short term memory was so bad I often lost my train of thought mid sentence. At its worst I was in continual pain.

I'm finally healthy enough that I can move my attention to earning money and developing a career. I'm close to 60 and am planning (needing / wanting) to work for 10 or more years. ME/CFS took away the years that most people use to build career and family.

Thank you for raising money and awareness
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