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Codename Entertainment
Golf Course Suggestions
74 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 2nd 2017 at 5:21 AM
I would like to follow up on the previous golf course discussion as that thread has closed.

I like visiting the courses and agree that it would be good to have a better list of courses to visit. I think the top rated now is faulty. The top course on my list had one hole and no landscaping, the third down had over 10 holes and had gorgeous landscaping, With rating only if you finish a course, I could not rate the third user as a course everyone should visit. I would like the option to rate courses without having to play all the holes. (I am a terrible golfer and do not have the time to play the longer courses.) I would like to see us rate on layout and aesthetics and a separate rating for course difficulty. Then we could visit to play or just to see the great work of other players and have a way to let them know we enjoyed the visit even if we didn't gold.
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