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Codename Entertainment
Repeating quest items don't stop when fulfilled

262 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 29th 2012 at 9:49 AM
Melody October May
This is a picky complaint, I know, but I'm hoping it can be fixed. And yes, this has been happening forever - I just now quit the Procrastination Club and decided to mention it.

There are a couple of quests where you are to collect items - specifically I'm talking about the "52 Coconut Pickup Again" and the "Breakfast of Champions" - and once the items are collected, you don't get a pop-up. Even worse, though, the eggs and coconuts don't stop appearing, so you might end up spending extra energy on things that give you no points (except xp) if you continue to collect.

All of the other collection quests ("So Long and...", "More Missing Villagers", "Slow and Steady", "Bats for the Man", "Good Vibrations" and the numerous ore collections) all give you a pop-up and, more important, discontinue throwing those objects out there at you.

Is there any way that the two quests which don't stop the items from appearing can be corrected?


5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 29th 2012 at 10:12 AM
It's true that those 2 quests can lead one who is not observant to waste extra energy.
But it's not true that 'all' other quests give a popup. The Questers Crabs and Crows don't, and many other quests don't, Lucas is one that comes to mind.
Every quest that one does, one has to have some little bit of paying attention to it. I can bet that you count quick whacks or mama whacks for the Crabs and Crows, but if you didn't, I guess that you could keep on whacking not noticing that the quest item is not captured other than by your individual whack of it.
But that's the same when it comes to all 'spawning' quests.
This is a game that a robot can't play, YOU have to notice that a repeatable quest has become available again. YOU have to decide, do I want to do this one or not (a big question when one is Maxed out).

p.s. When it comes to the Coconuts, there is one very easy way to not whack extra coconuts, just end up while doing the Villagers quest in the one square that does not spawn extra coconuts.
The rotten eggs I can't imagine anyone not knowing that they hit 20 of them.
And any time that one does not know something, instead of wasting a single bit of energy I can't imagine anyone not spending one second to open the Quest Log.

I like the little inconsistencies that all point to 2 or 3 different programmers in this game. Makes it interesting.

262 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 29th 2012 at 11:43 AM
Melody October May
I didn't mention the crabs or crows because they don't spawn extra ones - once you're done, you're done. Although, yes - it would be nice to have a pop-up, in case you're not paying attention to the color of the bouncing "?" above the recipient's head.

262 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 29th 2012 at 11:55 AM
Melody October May
Raymond, I tend to, as I'm playing, get pulled aside on occasion. Phone calls, something on the stove, the cats deciding they have to have a screaming argument - and thus, I don't sit and count out the quest items every time. Yes, I could wait until the message floats up to the top, but if you waited in between whacks for each message, it would take forever.

And if you can't imagine anyone not knowing they've hit 20 eggs, you've never played half asleep :O (that's a yawn, not an "oh")

So, Devs - any chance I can sweet talk, beg, or somehow coerce you into changing those two quests?

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 29th 2012 at 5:00 PM
I hope I didn't come off as confrontational.
But the way I play the 20-30 quests that I do every day is to not start all of them at once. I start only those that logically fit together until those are done and so on. So a simple look at the Quest Log if I had been interrupted can remind me what I was doing.
Also if I had been doing either of those 2 Questor Quests, I have to assume that I didn't just find one thing before getting called away, so I single whack until I get the next one. That's much more important for the Crows since those do not appear in the Win History or the Play History.
How I play is not necessarily the best way, everyone has their own style, but I have never been bothered by any of the little inconsistencies in the various ways that the Quests get displayed. So it works for me the way everything currently is.
Any changes would have no effect on me, and they might be good in their own right. But I think that the Developers have more important things to do like learning how to count being done, we both are more than 100% done. And fixing the issue where people lose the DJArts tokens instead of getting the energy they bought. Or fixing the new improved but less than improved Map, it's still completely wrong when there are more than one Quest in a square or a transition zone, whether or not some of those quests are done or not done or not even started. And of course coming up with new things.
And of course it truly bothers me that the game thinks I have 520 Customization Items and my completely correct in depth count is ONLY 495. (again I am not at my computer so those are not the exact numbers, but there is a discrepancy of over 2 dozen and there has been numerical errors ever since I first noticed it and reported it in May & June.

262 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 30th 2012 at 8:31 PM
Melody October May
I show 522 CIs, and to the best of my knowledge, I have every one that has been offered except for 1 (I'm still working up arena tokens to buy that last CI there).

Could the CIs include not only furnishings and outfitting, but such things as rings, etc.? I haven't bothered to count.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 30th 2012 at 9:18 PM
There are too many Quest things like Rings and Fishing Poles... for that to be it.
There are too many Swords and Pets although I have always wondered why these things are NOT Customization Items, after all they appear in the 'Character' section of the Inventory with everything else other than the House things.
I know at least 2 or 3 of them are related to the fact that certain of the Christmas Event Quests or CI's within some Christmas Squares that we didn't get because we got them last year SEEM to have been counted. That is I knew my number before completing something, and had verified it before to be sure, and then after it had incremented by 1 when I turned in a quest or completed a square.
But those are to few to be the root cause of this issue, and parts of this issue I've seen in June long before the one and only Event so far that had the seeming possibility of getting something we already had, that's Christmas #2 2011.

My actual numbers are 518 Items from the Profile (I know of 5 BW Club items I don't have plus one more for January which I'll get tomorrow right before the end of January). And I think there was one event at the very beginning where I didn't get something but that was a Quest Item not a CI. But my own impeccable and incredibly accurate accounting of everything that I can enumerate in my Inventory and House adds up to only 502. This does not count 10 Pets, 37 Swords, and 192 Quest Items (I didn't take the time to subtract the few Quest Items from Quests that I will turn in at the next update, that probably adds up to about 20)
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