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Codename Entertainment
Drop Rates.. great game but I have now stopped spending money.

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 6th 2015 at 2:30 AM
nice game, easily the current benchmark in idle games as far as i am concerned.

However... I am now at the stage of spending money and not receiving any equipment i can actually equip, i have decided to stop wasting cash.

my suggestion is to implement a 'smart loot' system.

The easy way is for the game to see that Jim has a < common / common / nothing > and auto award a item for the last slot. If Jim has < epic / epic / uncommon > auto award a rare with % chance of epic for last slot.

probably the better way is to have a award chance for all gear set at 5% and increased by 0.5% each time a drop fails (numbers are of the top of my head, working out the math is your job ;) )
This can be used easily on your free in game drops at a much lower rate (0.25 for example) to keep players grinding and interested.

If you already have some kind of smart loot system in place it needs tweaking because for (another) $20 spent on a flash game i really expect SOMETHING i can use, not just a number giving me 50% extra dps.
10+ characters, 3 equip slots and 4 tiers of equipment for each make totally random drops too unfair and costly. I should point out that half my chars have not even got 3 pieces of equipment yet lol.

Good game and i will continue enjoying it and look forward to updates and future projects. But if you expect to be (rightly) compensated for your work and time you need to fix this.
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