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Codename Entertainment
[BUG] Speed buff

85 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 9th 2015 at 11:55 AM
Last Edited October 9th 2015 at 12:06 PM
Thien Nguyen Dang
There are a few problems with speed buff:

-It only increase the speed monster entering the zone. So at higher level where you can't instant kill the monster, you can't use Speed buff in conjunction with Splash buff to clear wave. Basically, the second wave will appear after the first wave is killed or after sometimes has passed since the first wave. But the buff doesn't reduce that time window !

-It does increase your killing speed at lower stage where you can instant kill, but only at stage where the mission is: "Kill x monster". For mission that require lotting, the time doesn't improve that much since you must be active to loot manually for the buff to be effective. Ironically, I thought the buff was supposed to make the game more of an "Idle game".

-The duration seems too short for me... but this matter isn't important.

62 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 9th 2015 at 12:06 PM
Last Edited October 9th 2015 at 12:10 PM
Here is my experience:

I have played for a long time and at the moment we usually do 200/300 areas run on ghostbeard formation to farm idols.
I have used 40 min stacked buffs (from uncommon to rare) and only gained 20/30 min in total.
This buff is neither a long term solution to farm nor to achieve a hard mission, the previous buff was much more effective to achieve hard mission ,especially 350 boxe mission with a good rush strategy (stacking click buffs). I think it is impossible to achieve this mission with less than 15k idols now.
If u created this speed buff it was possibly to achieve the 80 timed mission and the 45min carnival achievement but time warps are more than enough and more effective.

I suggest other options:
-increase the duration of the speed buffs
-go back to the previous click buff
-another "usefull buff"?

793 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 9th 2015 at 12:39 PM
Justin Stocks (CNE Dev)
Hi guys -- a couple things to note:

1) The current implementation of the speed buff does not decrease the time between waves if you're not killing them before another wave spawns. This is intentional, because otherwise using this buff in a stage that you're just barely idling in would result in a wipe, which would make it more like a de-buff than a buff. Yes, it means it doesn't synergize well with the Splash buff. It's something we could potentially tweak if there was enough demand. Right now the intention for the speed buffs is that they make it easier to blast through the "easy" levels in each reset. They're not intended to be gold farming buffs.

2) It *does* make progress faster for loot drop quests compared to not having the buff on. The monsters will spawn and drop their items much faster than they otherwise would. While it's not instant, it is still faster than not being buffed. I hear what you're saying though, and we could potentially look at adding an "auto-pickup-quest-items" effect to this buff... We'll think on it.

3) I think there may be some confusion over how buffs stack in the game. If you use two of the same rarity buffs in the same category, they'll add their time to each other. BUT, if you use two different rarity buffs, their *effect* will stack but their time will tick separately. For example, if you use the common and uncommon speed buffs you'll get *+100%* spawn speed for the first 2.5 minutes, then the common buff will expire and you'll get +50% spawn speed for the remaining 2.5 minutes of the uncommon buff.

4) Three of the four old click buff effects still exist (on the two remaining buffs), so I don't think we nerfed click damage stacking that much. The way that the missing click buff effect stacked with the other buffs means that it was actually only affecting base click damage and click damage from the Bush Whacker, so it didn't stack at all with with Power Conduit series of buffs. You needed to specifically have the Bush Whacker in formation for it to really have any effect at all.

85 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 9th 2015 at 12:48 PM
Thien Nguyen Dang
Hi Justin ! Thanks for the constructive reply. I'm very happy to hear the developer intent on the buff and how they consider to change it in the future. Looking forward to it !

62 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 9th 2015 at 1:06 PM
Last Edited October 9th 2015 at 1:08 PM
I also thank you for the constructive answer;

But here is my question, to achieve the hardest missions (2000 to all /boxe 350) using a BW formation and stacking all clicks buffs was an obligation, I m not sure if it works anymore with these new buffs.

80 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 9th 2015 at 1:51 PM
Hi Justin: About the 4 answear the buff you removed. It was the strongest one. Using diffrent rarities could make your clickdmg 2x-4x your dps.. The buff you saved is not even close to that... All give u what like 30%?

You made it 10 times harder to do the hard objectives now. Ruined my 350 run.

Well there is cases when that buff is bad, and its called emo.

85 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 9th 2015 at 8:40 PM
Last Edited October 9th 2015 at 8:41 PM
Thien Nguyen Dang
As KeySer have said, even though the old buff click doesn't seem to be that useful, it stack multiplicative and will be the major Click dmg compared to Siphon Power.

The math is simple: 5% main dps from Sword Play of BW. You will have some buff for Sword Play from Crusaders and get like 8-12% total dps for click dmg (depend on what map you are playing). Now use this number to multiply it with x2, x3 and x5 ! You get 240-360% your total dps ! And stacking Siphon Power, Power Conduit and Power Conduitor only give you 17.5% dps !

Overall, the click dps have been reduced at least 10 times from before... The hardest mission 350 Pirate Boat need 8-10+ Idols and stacking all buff to barely complete it... Now how do we do the mission now ? It's near impossible without some new update like Idols Shop.

2 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 10th 2015 at 3:57 PM
Regarding the issue of loot pickup, my first thought when I noticed this was that, instead of "enemy spawn rate", this buff should be re-characterized as "increase crusader walk speed".

My reasoning is: if you de-gamify what's happening - that is, instead of the enemies being creating out of thin air (i.e. "spawning") - what appears to be happening is the crusaders are marching on their quest and, while doing so, are continuously running into enemies that already exist, but can't be seen until the crusaders have advanced far enough (which you could regard as the concept of "range of vision" of the crusaders; as an aside, if you wanted to introduce a new crusader down the line that has the unique talent of increasing spawn-rate/walk-speed, you could explain it away as a result of his sharp vision (you could make him a lookout or sentry or sharpshooter, or something, or even some animal with extremely powerful vision, like a falcon/hawk/eagle)).

Therefore, increasing walk speed corresponds to enemies "coming into range" sooner, which achieves the same result as an increase in spawn speed. Furthermore, since they are walking faster, they will automatically be reaching the loot faster, so the game mechanic of "automatically picking up loot when the foremost crusader in the formation reaches it" already takes care of the rest, without you having to "look at adding an "auto-pickup-quest-items" effect to this buff" (which I'd guess might be problematic, in terms of bloating the block of text that describes the buff to the players).

Finally, to mention something that's more in the bug category, I've noticed that the icons for the different rarities of the new spawn-rate buff (it might happen with the other buffs as well, but I haven't notice that yet) collapse onto each other (that is, even though I'm still receiving the 50%+50%+50%, for example if I'm concurrently using the white,green, and blue versions of the buff, I can only see the blue one, presumably because the others are placed directly behind it). This doesn't always happen, but I wasn't able to figure out what triggers this collapse.

Hope this feedback proves useful to you guys.
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