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Codename Entertainment
More achievements, please. Not even for bonuses.

66 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 26th 2015 at 5:41 AM
Could you please add more achievements? Not for the bonuses (they can give nothing), but for some additional interest in the game. The possible problem is "gotta collect them all" can become to easy to get, but new achievements can take pretty much time or have a large 'gap' from the existing medals, like:
- collect 200 pieces of common/uncommon loot
- open 2000 chests (then 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000...)
- open 1000 (500? 750?) jewel chests
- hoard 500 chests (then 750, 1000...)
- hoard 1500 rubies
- kill 10 000 mobs just by clicking
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