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Codename Entertainment
lost my treaasure chest

9 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 23rd 2012 at 7:20 PM
Rosemary ONeill
without having to check all parts of the map, how do I find the chest from my "Share the wealth" mission.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 23rd 2012 at 9:14 PM
There is a Map feature that has existed since LAST February called 'show active quests'.
It can and will show you in just one single mouse click which square it is in. Or a few clicks if it happens to be in a sub map (the quest name will be colored red until you are in the correct map and then it will be colored green).

9 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 24th 2012 at 2:50 AM
Rosemary ONeill
yep I know where that is and use it often but it isnt showing a ? mark anywhere as an end of mission usually does. any chance it got stuck in the fair ground?

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 24th 2012 at 3:33 AM
No not a holiday area it gets relocated but should be instantly found using the 'show active quests' feature.
And the fairgrounds itself is always available but should show up using the 'show active quests' feature.
If the name of that quest is colored Red, then go to one after the other of all 8 of the small maps.
Scientists Castle, Underwater, Far Away Lands, Underground Pyramid, Center of the Earth, Wonderland, Pirate Island and Haven Crypts. There are some other areas on the main map that are not actually mapped, zoo, haven castle, 4 areas related to the kings quest in the Mountains, Haunted Forest and Lost City, and an area between the Desert and the Jungle. If the quest is colored red on all 9 maps then check all these other unmapped areas. But the giant or the chest can actually only appear in a few of those.

Lastly, it will not show a ? anywhere on any map unless the quest s actually complete, what does your quest log state? But the 'show active quests' feature should SHOW what square it is located in whether or not it is completed.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 24th 2012 at 9:06 AM
oh, p.s.
If your quest log states that the quest is repeatable, then you have to know that all quests in the completed section of the quest log are just that, done and not yet re-started if they are repeatable.
Unlike all other quests, the giant and the chest 'can' restart any time after they become available, BUT they are random 'encounters' and they might not happen for many days. When they happen I think a ! will appear on the Map somewhere if you happen to miss seeing the thing spawn. But they only ever will spawn in locations that you yourself have ever been to. I'm only ever in about 30 different squares every day, so I only have to do my daily quests and I'll see them again.

9 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 24th 2012 at 1:09 PM
Rosemary ONeill
it says it is complete and it has been weeks since I "lost" the treasure chest. guess I will have to go to the far away areas one by one and check all of their maps. ty for your help

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 24th 2012 at 2:34 PM
You do not have to look at any squares whatsoever, just maps. Simply go to the transition zone of a sub map, with the maps 'show active quests' feature turned On just look at the name of that quest. If it's colored Red then move on to the next sub-map and do the same. SOMEWHERE it will not be colored Red and when you hover your mouse over the name of the quest then that ONE AND ONLY square that the thing is located in will highligt and center on your screen.
Simply go to that one square and get it.

9 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 24th 2012 at 3:35 PM
Rosemary ONeill
ok will try again ty for your help Raymond

9 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 24th 2012 at 3:51 PM
Rosemary ONeill
ok checked it is not in any of the 8 small maps so must be in one of the unmapped spots will keep looking :)

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 24th 2012 at 5:16 PM
Please verify exactly what it says.
Does it say something like 8/8 helps obtained...?
Or is it in the Completed Quest Log like I mentioned above.
If it's 8/8 then perhaps the current bug of the maps not having ?'s on it is preventing you from seeing it. But the "Show Active Quests" feature should still show exactly where it is, it will be green on one of the Maps and Red on every other one, unless it's in one of the unmapped areas. But have you been into any of those areas recently? If not then there is no way it would have spawned in any of them.
If it's in the Completed Quests Log, then look all you want, IT IS NOT CURRENTLY IN OPERATION and you are just going to have to wait for it to spawn somewhere.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 24th 2012 at 5:52 PM
Last Edited January 24th 2012 at 5:53 PM
To reiterate a little.
Find out what Map that quests name is Green in.
Then because there is currently, and has been since about the beginning of this update on Friday the 13'th, an issue with ?'s and !'s missing on the Maps, just move your mouse over each square. Do not click to go into any square, just move over them. One of the new features added about 2 weeks ago was to bring up the text 'quests starting here' and 'quests ending here' when hovering over any square where that is the case. THAT feature is working while the ! and ? is broken for some and working inconsistently for others...
IF your Giants quest or Wealth quest exists, and if it is as you say 'complete' then that text will appear when you are over some square somewhere.

Or you could bother the Developers and send them a trouble report and have them find it for you in about 10 seconds if they feel like going above the call of duty for something like this that anyone can do for themselves. Sorry, but there is much wisdom here and I do not get the feeling that you understand any of it.

9 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 24th 2012 at 7:19 PM
Rosemary ONeill
I do understand what you are saying. it is in the current quests and says return to treasure chest. is ok I will take some time to check the maps by hovering my mouse over the squares and check other areas soon. i do thank you for your help Raymond

9 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 2nd 2012 at 2:13 AM
Rosemary ONeill
Raymond just so that you know I am not a dill and I had actually lost my treasure chest, here is the reply from Justin
Hi Rosemary,

I've moved your treasure chest to the Bushy Woods (the first zone where you can whack bushes east of Haven). It looks like it was somehow still stuck in the Haunted Castle from the Halloween event.. not sure how that happened.

- Justin
Raymond thank you for trying to help me out but am guessing we had no hope of finding it :)

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 2nd 2012 at 7:41 AM
I had not considered that since the Developers made it 'automatic' that Giants and Chests that occurred in transitory Holiday Event squares would move to the very first actual square in the game when those transitory squares no longer exist. They started that at Halloween and repeated it at Christmas.
I can't find the actual post with the conversation I remember so clearly.
Mr. X on day 1 of Halloween: What would happen if I get a Wealth Chest or Giant in a Halloween square and not complete those before the end of the holiday?
Justin a Developer: Well we have 2 weeks to figure out what we will do in that case.
Me: That's good to know.

I had forgotten that there was an error when they reimplemented that for Christmas. But that's not hard to understand, there are many other errors (right now) in the game. Like the 3 final 'solved' positions of the 15 square puzzle that are in no way solved but the game thinks it is and strangely only when the 'hole' moves in one particular direction. Or the fact that many of us are more than 100% done in the game, I'm 102%. Or that the game thinks I have 520 Customization Items, but I only have 504.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 2nd 2012 at 8:50 AM
Ah, the posts about Halloween were with the original forums that went away between Halloween and Haven Crypts & Thanksgiving.

As for the 3 wrong 'solutions' to the 15 square puzzle, is a topic where I enumerate those. I kind of gave up looking when it turned out that it's not a 'steady state' check of the squares but somehow an 'incremental' check. So of the thousands of positions I had checked perhaps a few dozen more 'can' actually be solutions if one gets to those positions slightly differently.
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