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Codename Entertainment
[Suggestion] How much gold do I need?

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 19th 2015 at 5:41 AM
currently, when you press Shift and/or control to level up multiple levels at once, it tells you how many levels you can buy with your current amount of gold.

Which to me, is problematic sometimes because I only want to level my crusaders in increments of 25 at once. So instead of telling me how much levels I can buy with my current gold, I would like to instead be told how much it is gonna cost me to level the 25 levels in one go, stopping me from "wasting" the gold on just a few levels which could have potentially been used on another crusader to increase my DPS / progress.

This would also help with leveling all of your crusaders at the end to get the most idols out of your reset, because you won't be "wasting" a ton of gold on just 2-3 levels on certain crusaders if you don't have enough.

Thanks in advance for any feedback and stuff like that :)

13 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 24th 2015 at 8:17 AM
FYI you can estimate gold needed for buying 25 levels by multiplying current cost by 63.2 (hopefully you can do it easily with calculator)
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