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Codename Entertainment
[Suggestion] A tweak to make Jason better

3 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 10th 2015 at 8:08 AM
Poor Jason :( He doesn't do great dps. He doesn't provide group buffs. He doesn't even buff click damage much. To put it bluntly, he's in a really bad spot right now to the point that the devs are already taking a look at him.

Here's a suggestion to *help* fix him (more changes may be necessary even after this fix would be made) that I feel is not only effective, but creative and appropriate for his character:

Change "Subtle Deflection" to something along the lines of "Shadow Dance" or "Hidden" (or w/e you want to call it) with the effect of "Increase the Base Damage of Jason by [300 - 500]% when he is not buffed by another character." This effect of course excludes group damage increases (like on Princess or items).

The damage needs to be greater than 200% because that is what units get when Doc, Jim, Sasha, and Lion are stacked on them (it's technically more). This change would open up opportunities where Jason can provide substantially secondary dps - or even main dps as you could then drop formation buffers (like Jim, Lion, Sasha, and Doc) and include more group damage buffers (like, Merci, Griff, Nate, etc). I really think it would change up the form meta quite a bit).

7 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 10th 2015 at 12:16 PM
Lotus Blade
My Jason has Epic Katana with +400% damage crit multiplyer. If you are playing around manual clicking - he is 'must have' hero. Third campaign has lots of spots for crusaders, so its a good chance to make a clicking team. There is already lots of nice damage dealers so no need to boost Jason. Buffer suppose to be a buffer, not dps.

3 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 10th 2015 at 12:47 PM
"Buffer suppose to be a buffer, not dps."

If you don't have that item, he doesn't do anything else. It's true that each unit can only fill some roles - the Princess or Panda will just about never be someone's dps - and if the devs want to go that route with Jason and increase his effectiveness there, I'm ok with that. However, Jason is one of only two units (the other being phoenix) that do not have abilities that buff at least something else besides themselves - and Phoenix at least has Vengeful Fury which can be useful in some situations. So if Jason is supposed to be a buffer, he's doing a crap job about it.

"There is already lots of nice damage dealers so no need to boost Jason."

While that's true, ALL of them follow the same form rules: Sasha in front of them, Jim in the same row, Lion behind them, and Doc next to them if it's not Emo. That's boring and greatly limits choice. My suggestion would significantly change that norm should Jason get enough items and enchants to be you main dps.
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