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Codename Entertainment
[Suggestion] Campaign idea

7 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 28th 2015 at 4:18 PM
I had an idea for a new Campaign, granted I have no clue how complex this would be to implement. How about a "friend" feature in game where you can add friends and for a specific campaign map you can use one of your friend's crusader in your formation(but can't have the same crusader in the formation already). Maybe each of your friends can only mark one crusader as "Shared" and you can "borrow" one for your formation but only for that campaign. Maybe have a minimum/maximum requirement for the campaign do you can't power level someone. Just an idea like that.

Other ideas for objectives:
- Can't use any abilities or spells to complete the objective
- Being forced to use a specific crusader in your formation
- Clicking DPS only

110 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 28th 2015 at 5:50 PM
Kinda pointless, given that people reset every couple hours once they get the farm on.

No spells is easymode; no abilities is too insane.
Using specific crusader is pretty easy, given other options.
Clicking DPS only fails the premise of being an idle game; look people are already complaining about 80 minutes of speedrun objective.
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