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Codename Entertainment
[Suggestion] Adjust Base DPS efficiency

13 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 26th 2015 at 8:10 AM
If one were to look at the base dps efficiency for all the crusaders, Hermit is an outlier that stands out. Oftentimes despite having a crusader with slightly higher multipliers, Hermit's final dps is just much higher because of his dps efficiency. What I suggest is altering all cruaders dps to have near the same efficiency in terms of Base DPS / Gold, that way that, for one, crusaders that rightfully should bring a higher dps than Hermit actually do. As it stands is that unless you have someone with a much higher total multiplier than Hermit, Hermit will be your top dps, outside of the 'growth' period in which you're still recruiting crusaders.

110 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 26th 2015 at 8:47 AM
Yeah, no. Identifying who gives the most DPS, and putting him in the position for buffs, including arranging it so he gets unobscured view, is what the strategy is about. This ain't "put biggast and baddest and dun think about anythin" game.

13 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 26th 2015 at 9:44 AM
Amoon, this isn't about messing with the strategy. In fact, this would make the strategy more variable and less static. Because as of right now, unless you have absolutely amazing gear on someone else, and not similar levels of gear on Hermit, Hermit will always be the better option once you get to the point where you can level Hermit to 525/550.
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