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Codename Entertainment
Two suggestions for quests

2 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 17th 2015 at 3:26 PM
Problem 1: Right now, when quests expire, a new one does not immediately appear. I assume it'll take another 20 hours for it to. This is a pain because it's just unnecessary wait time.

Solution 1: Make a new quest appear when one expires.

Problem 2: Right now, quests will automatically expire if you don't make progress on it for 20 hours. This is fair for the majority of quests but it really screwed me over just now. I received a "Progress 50 levels" quest at about level 94 and just today was about to complete that quest as I was at 49/50 levels completed. However, because of how late into the game I am, I can't progress levels without idling for about a day or so at a single area in order to farm enough gold to get enough DPS to progress. Basically what happened was when I woke up this morning, I had enough gold to progress but the quest expired before I could complete it. To add insult to injury, I had 90 rubies at the time and would've had enough rubies to buy a chest if the quest did not expire. Frankly, that whole event is the only reason I'm here to passive aggressively complain.

Solution 2: Allow quests to be extended so that they do not expire if no progress is made within 20 hours.

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 17th 2015 at 3:59 PM
Hi AngryWolf,

The quests are daily quests, so that's why they appear approximately every 20 hours.

Quests do not expire. They stay until they are completed, up to a max of 3 quests available at a time.

If you put in a ticket using "Help and Support" we can doublecheck your play history about completions.


2 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 17th 2015 at 4:36 PM
Hi Erika, thanks for the speedy response. I've sent my ticket.
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