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Codename Entertainment
New Crusaders

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 11th 2015 at 10:14 PM
Last Edited August 12th 2015 at 4:36 PM
I certainly hope there may be new crusaders. I just hope.

NOTE: If I can edit my post, I'll add 10 suggestions, I think one by one.

Crusader #21 | Reika, the Heartbreaker | No. of Edits Made: 6
Starting amount: 90q | Starting Damage: 125q
Reika Hatobu is a certified heartbreaker within the world. Her flexibity, precision and accurate sharpshooting makes her a talented archer. Her "Eye of Precision" makes her extremely powerful when there is no one at her back distracting her, and her "Heartbreaker" has the ability to kill a single non-boss unit.

Upgrade #1: [Lv010] Eye of Precision | 1.0Q
Type of Upgrade: Passive
Increases Reika's DPS by 200% if there is no one at her back.
"Precision, and flexibility."

Upgrade #2: [Lv025] Tough Arrows | 25Q
Type of Upgrade: Passive
Increases Reika's DPS by 100%.
"That should have a good chance breaking hearts."

Upgrade #3: [Lv050] Heartbreaker | 125Q
Type of Upgrade: Active | 5min
Instantly kills a non-boss unit.
"Sweet Music."

Upgrade #4: [Lv075] Highlander | 625Q
Type of Upgrade: Passive
Increases Reika's DPS by 100%.
"I usually loved shooting at the high grounds."

Upgrade #5: [Lv100] Fan Favorite | 5s
Type of Upgrade: Passive
Increases the DPS of all crusaders by 10%.
"I love aiding my fellow friends, too."

Upgrade #6: [Lv150] Weak Spot | 15s
Type of Upgrade: Passive
Increases your Critical Hit Chance by 5%.
"I also loved shooting at the weak spots."

DPS Upgrade: [Lv200] Sharpshooting | 5S
For every 25 levels over and including Level 200, ' DPS is multiplied by 4x. This multiplier stacks.
"Precision, Toughness, and breaking the hearts. Also shooting fast!"

EDIT #1: Crusader #21 Added. [08-13-15 | ???]
EDIT #2: Format added. [08-13-15 | ???]
EDIT #3: Damage added. [08-13-15 | ???]
EDIT #4: Some are added. [08-13-15 | 1:47AM]
EDIT #5: Reika's Upgrade #1 is revised. [08-13-15 | 3:20PM]
EDIT #6: Reika's DPS Upgrade is revised. Reika's description and uses is added. Upgrade #6 is added.

Crusader #22 | Unknown | No. of Edits Made: 2
Starting amount: 950q | Starting Damage: 650q

Coming soon. Please be patient.

EDIT #1: Crusader #22 added. [08-13-15 | 3:20PM]
EDIT #2: Added damage and starting amount.

Crusader #23 | The Treasure Hunter | No. of Edits Made: 2
Starting amount: 75Q | Starting Damage: 25Q

Coming soon. Please be patient.

EDIT #1: Crusader #23 added. [08-13-15 | 3:20PM]
EDIT #2: Added damage and starting amount.

Crusader #24 | Ancient Time Warper | No. of Edits Made: 2
Starting amount: 950q | Starting Damage: 650q

Coming soon. Please be patient.

EDIT #1: Crusader #24 added. [08-13-15 | 3:20PM]
EDIT #2: Added damage and starting amount.

Crusader #25 | The Giant | No. of Edits Made: 1
Starting amount: 4.5s | Starting Damage: ???

Upgrade #1: [Lv010] Toughness | 50s
Type of Upgrade: Passive
Adds 75% damage resistance to The Giant.
"I'm tough."

Upgrade #2: [Lv025] Crusaders' Sake |
Type of Upgrade: Passive
Increases the DPS of all crusaders by 15%.
"I will die for the crusaders' sake. "

Upgrade #3: [Lv050] Counter Strike |
Type of Upgrade: Passive | 5min
Increases The Giant's DPS by 100%.
"Sometimes, countering is the good strategy."

Upgrade #4: [Lv075] |
Type of Upgrade: Passive
Increases The Giant's DPS by 100%.

Upgrade #5: [Lv100] |
Type of Upgrade: Passive
Increases The Giant's DPS by 100%.

DPS Upgrade: [Lv200] Man of Steel |
For every 25 levels over and including Level 200, ' DPS is multiplied by 4x. This multiplier stacks.
"Precision, Toughness, and breaking the hearts. Also shooting fast!"

EDIT #1: Crusader #25 added. [08-13-15 | 3:20PM]
EDIT #2: Unfinished edit. Added damage, starting amount...

Crusader #26 | Unknown | No. of Edits Made: 2

Coming soon. Please be patient.

EDIT #1: Crusader #26 added. [08-13-15 | 3:20PM]
EDIT #2: Added damage and starting amount.

Crusader #27 | Unknown | No. of Edits Made: 2

Coming soon. Please be patient.

EDIT #1: Crusader #27 added.
EDIT #2: Added damage and starting amount.

Crusader #28 | Unknown | No. of Edits Made: 2

Coming soon. Please be patient.

EDIT #1: Crusader #28 added. [08-13-15 | 3:20PM]
EDIT #2: Added damage and starting amount.

Crusader #29 | Unknown | No. of Edits Made: 2

Coming soon. Please be patient.

EDIT #1: Crusader #29 added. [08-13-15 | 3:20PM]
EDIT #2: Added damage and starting amount.

Crusader #30 | The Forbidden Archdemon | No. of Edits Made: 2

Coming soon. Please be patient.

EDIT #1: Crusader #30 added. [08-13-15 | 3:20PM]
EDIT #2: Added damage and starting amount.
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