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Codename Entertainment Forums > Crusaders of the Lost Idols > Feature Requests/Suggestions > Suggestion: Increase Chest Drops/Rates
Suggestion: Increase Chest Drops/Rates
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- Posted August 3rd 2015 at 5:04 AM
Lloyd_MajereLast Edited August 3rd 2015 at 2:25 PM I'm not asking this out of greed, I promise.
After collecting 100 Idols, it's become blatantly clear that the major difference between pre-level-100 and post-level-100 is going to be the strength of my equips. Just one Rare or Epic equip on a Crusader can make them more powerful than your current strongest DPS dealer - they can make a HUGE difference. Additionally, an item like Natalie's Cloak can add to your Gold gains by a huge amount - from her alone I go up over 800% because I have her Rare Cobraskin Cloak. Now, I admit that my luck is pitiful, and not every player will hit my situations. But that rare cloak? That's been 1 of 3 rares that I've gotten across EVERY chest, and that's it - no Epics or other Rares. I have over 100 Idols, and am beginning to lose track of my reset count (it's 6, soon to be 7). Yet I am being held back primarily because I cannot seem to draw anything good from these chests. Which brings me to my first problem: Just getting the chests. I know that generally, the drop rate from bosses after a reset is about 25%, give or take. I've done a run to Level 80 (16 attempts) and gotten 4 chests, so this seems about right. However, in my current run, I just beat level 95 and have still gotten ZERO chests. That means this entire run was nearly useless for me: I'll gain my 16-20 Idols on reset, but I get absolutely nothing else for my hours spent. Those Idols aren't worth the time, since they give diminished rewards... Basically this run was a waste. But let's say I get a chest. By calculations, there are 20 Crusaders, with 3 equips each, of 4 different rarities. That makes 240 equips you can get. You can also get one of 16 global equips, one of 21-28 Buffs, or a flat amount of instant-gold. You'd think my chances of getting an equip would be good, no? From Silver Chests, I'm lucky to get a SINGLE equip, of ANY rarity. In general I get at least one instant-gold card and one buff card. More often than not I get two Gold cards. But Gold is worthless - I can idle for that!! Hell, there's a buff that would at least let me CONTROL my instant-gold, why not just give me that instead?! And buffs that only activate for a set amount of time... Those may be helpful later when I'm trying to get through the endgame, but right now they aren't helping me either. Not to mention, when I do get an Equip, there's a chance it's not for a Crusader I use; or it's a duplicate, meaning a 25% enchant that also gives diminishing returns. The idea that I'll ever get all the Crusaders fully equipped is becoming less and less plausible. And don't get me started on the Jeweled Chests. If it weren't for player testimony that Silver Chests can transform, I'd think you were lying. I've gotten 40 Silver Chests, and not one of them has ever transformed. Most players say the same, with the rare one saying they've seen it happen once after the tutorial freebie. Sure, you can get them with Rubies, but so far most players haven't reached stage 150, so we've been stuck at a count of 3: one from the tutorial, one from the first reset, and one from beating level 100. I can't even give you accurate numbers, these things are so rare. So, I'm not asking to be handed everything for free. Just adjust the rates of these. Either make chests more common, add extra cards to the chests, make the drop rate of equipment better, or just remove Gold from being a reward. Any of these would be better than what we have now. I shouldn't be hindered from progressing due to bad luck. I shouldn't be able to go through 100 stages at a 5% drop and receive nothing, when receiving things is the focus of the game at this point. I'm not asking out of greed, I just want to make it more playable. If there are future updates that will address this issue, then I'll retract my criticisms then. |
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- Posted August 3rd 2015 at 7:12 AM
Lloyd_MajereLast Edited August 3rd 2015 at 2:26 PM After beating level 100 in that run and still not getting a chest, I came up with a couple other solutions:
1. Make certain levels always yield a chest. Particularly every 100 levels, I feel like that is fair. That fits the drop rate fairly - 1 guaranteed per 20 possible chests. By the time you reach the point where you can get to 100 easily (time limitation of previous areas means even max speed would take about an hour), you should already be getting more than 1 chest per run, and you should already have quite the large collection. More or less chests won't matter then. Plus, at that point you could just reset and grind chests on the first hundred levels, amassing Idols as you go. 2. Make chests grow and/or transform at a higher rate as you progress. NOT by much - we don't need a Jeweled chest every five levels toward the end. But at least up to double what the rates are now at level 300 and beyond. Same logic as above: by the time we get to the point that this would become abusable, we would already have different strategies and we would lack the need to abuse it. Both of these suggestions would give players a reason to strive beyond level 100, rather than just give up and reset at 90 over and over. But the way I see it, Idols will cap in usefulness at about 500, when gaining 15 idols yields a paltry 3% increase, and our only source of power beyond that will be these chests. Having us grind the first 100 levels repeatedly for a randomly dropped chest which randomly drops loot is not a good way to hold us back. |
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- Posted August 3rd 2015 at 4:22 PM
Justin Stocks (CNE Dev)Thanks for the feedback. We are planning to add more ways to get Jeweled Chests (well, Red Rubies actually, which translate into Jeweled Chests), which I think will alleviate some of this pain. As we add more campaigns and objectives that will add additional routes for Jeweled Chests as well. I also like the idea of guaranteeing Silver Chests for certain levels, just in-case you get some bad RNG.
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- Posted August 3rd 2015 at 6:36 PM
PeterCharlesI agree with this, there needs to be a way to get more equiptment. The gold drops are pretty bad and the activated buffs also seem a lot worse than equiptment. There should be atleast one equiptment per chest I think.
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- Posted August 3rd 2015 at 6:45 PM
Lloyd_MajereAfter reading my words again, I must apologize for being headstrong. Within my chat, I'm one of a few that are greatly enjoying exploring this game together - I meant no offense through harsh words. I was a bit frustrated at the time of posting, lol. I will, of course, stand by any dev decisions and continue to play through all coming content. If I gave the impression of anger, I apologize.
Thanks for responding though! I'm certain that as more things come along to do in the game, even the slow grind will at least be less monotonous. I look forward to it! :D |
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