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Codename Entertainment
Change the Event pets to what it was in previous years please
775 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 12th 2015 at 5:24 PM
Russel Denton
ok I don't know if anyone has noticed or not but the event pets this year has only lasted for 2-3 days , but in previous years event pets lasted during the duration of the event, I just want to say can they change it back like it was in previous years , instead of the current way , cause a lot of people have been complaining.
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 12th 2015 at 7:52 PM
The Devs are trying out 'different' things with various sales and offers because of I think 'staleness' with things.
personally I loved the one or 2 days things that were a couple bucks and so on. wish they did more of that.
I'm sure Erika will explain better when their work week begins.
35 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 22nd 2015 at 3:09 PM
Kimberly Johnston
I did notice that. I also noticed that they leave the event pets in the commons to remind everyone of what they missed. Personally I only get paid once a month and after a certain point of the month I've spent all my spending money. The $5 items are nice and I can usually spare that but the really nice stuff that I want appears at times that I simply don't have money to spend on them. So the devs can try whatever they want but they really need to know that most of us live from paycheck to paycheck, usually every other week or on the 1st and 15th.
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