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Codename Entertainment
My Christmas Wish List :)

262 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 10th 2011 at 6:37 PM
Melody October May
Dangit, I wish I'd copied the list before the old discussion board went down.

OK, items that you would like to see added to / changed on BW? Please keep your responses respectful :)

1. More repeatable quests. We have so many zone areas that have no repeatable quests, and there's no real reason to go back to them, although the work you put into them begs for repeat visitations. This includes:

- the Ancient Caverns
- down the Rabbit Hole (Wonderland)
- the Balloon Ride (Oz)
- the Buried Pyramid
- Skull Island
- the Friendly zone

2. I'd love to see a couple of fishing quests for the Harbor and the Lava Lake. There are repeatable fishing quests for Hat Head Lake and Back Woods Lake - but it would be fun to have a reason to fish in the others.

3. Regeant spells - how about adding a spell that gives you a period of time when you have double the chance of a monster appearing in place of a bush or monster just whacked? There are so many times this would be so helpful. Waiting for ghosts or grubs to appear while doing those quests can get a tad on the frustrating side.

4. Mining ores - any chance you can build something that would use up our source of mined ores) from both the blacksmith and his apprentice? Something along the line of a sword that gives you some type of sword that gives you a whacking advantage, but is honed so fine that you have to have have it resharpened every week or so. Much like we have to reactive the mana statue every week. The ores needed to get / sharpen the sword could call for a mixture of all of the ores, giving reason for everyone to continue those quests.

5. Tokens - there are a lot of tokens that, once you've bought the CIs associated with them, are no longer of use, though many of us continue to collect them as we do the quests. Is there any chance you can open up the energy tab in the areas where you cash those tokens in? This includes Jungle tokens, Sand Dollars, Minion tokens, and Arena tokens. All of these tokens (except the Arena tokens) require a good deal of energy be spent to win one, and should be awarded along the same line as the Feathers from the Tribal Village. I'm not actually sure how you could work the arena tokens, as those have an unlimited win rate - so perhaps those should not be included.

Dang, I know we had more suggestions in there, but I can't remember them all. I'll probably add to this list in a while.

11 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 10th 2011 at 8:23 PM
Jason Holicky
Melody, nice suggestions! I think more fishing quests would be good as well. Right now I collect the 5 coins, then cash in for 50% energy. It would be nice to have a higher level quest where we could get 100%... 150% or 200% energy. Especially if you have the higher level fishing poles.

I second the tokens! I have a lot of them. I would love to turn them in for ENERGY! like the fishing quest... i always want to play the game longer, but run out of energy.

554 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 10th 2011 at 10:47 PM
Jean Davis
I totally agree with your suggestions. The other thing I would like to see Is the Starbucks Cafe in the Jungle allow us to buy coffee/energy with our earned Jungle tokens.

I'm another who continues doing these quests for the gold when maxed out, and for XP when I need to advance.

216 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 11th 2011 at 4:28 AM
Heather Collings
I was just wondering.. when will thanksgiving event be released?

262 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 11th 2011 at 4:53 AM
Melody October May
Heather, I wouldn't be surprised if Thanksgiving came out today.

262 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 11th 2011 at 12:04 PM
Melody October May
Oooo - I just remembered another wish item - set up a new auction level. Right now, everyone from (I believe) level 100 to 130 is on the same auction. How about setting up a new one with the next level-up update, going back to possibly about level 125 in the new category (so that we don't see a repeat of someone arriving first at the new highest level and being the only person in that auction)? The starting bid could be about 50K.

262 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 13th 2011 at 11:27 AM
Melody October May
And, allow us to buy either a bigger bag of regents, OR, one of EACH bag of regents every 20 hours. :)

262 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 15th 2011 at 7:22 PM
Melody October May
OMG, Devs - thank you, thank you, thank you for fulfilling my wish #1!

14 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 21st 2011 at 12:55 PM
Daniel Henderson
That sound like a good idea. I would allow you to upgrade tokens into energy conversions and it sound cool expect for one tiny detail you should ask them to up the number of tokens you can win per repeatable quest
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