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579 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 6th 2011 at 9:46 AM
Ruth Orozco
Bob, you forgot to mention the all-important "NO!" or has she not learned that yet? Yes, there are many things I have missed out on by not having kids--the inconsolable crying is NOT one!! And my dogs never give me that "idiot" look and will never call me "stupid" (although sometimes warranted). But I do love that falling asleep in my arms any age. Which is why I poach my friend's and sister's babies whenever possible...

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 7th 2011 at 8:06 PM
Bob Woods
Melody, lol, is all I can say!

Ruth, thankfully she hasn't learned NO! yet, lol. You have never had a dog give you the "idiot" look? Wow, that is lucky, I have had several give me that look, lol.

579 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 8th 2011 at 9:17 AM
Ruth Orozco
Well, truthfully Bob, I've gotten the "I have no idea what you're trying to tell me--I've never heard that word in my life! What does "come" mean??" THAT one I get all the time, especially from my stubborn-ass of a pitbull (who is a love in every other way). LOL (not)

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 8th 2011 at 10:12 PM
Bob Woods
I know those looks!
My sister had a pit and she was the sweetest thing I have ever met, as long as you were family or where introduced by a family member. Her name was Bailey and my sister went away for a class for her job, leaving Bailey with her boyfriend, and he left her outside in the middle of the August Summer in Texas with no shade. She got a very bad sunburn on her back, which the vet said couldn't be fixed, so it always looked like an open wound and we had to constantly apply an ointment to it. She was poisoned with antifreeze a year later by a burglar. She is one of the few animals we have ever had that brought tears to my eyes when we lost her. Not that I am hard-hearted, I just rarely let myself get attached to any animal that came into our lives when I was growing up, simply because they either where given away or they would get killed.

185 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 8th 2011 at 11:37 PM
Last Edited December 8th 2011 at 11:37 PM
Monica Dykeman
Animals have a way of creeping into your heart and then breaking it when they leave. My daughters horse was one such, we lost her a few years ago and she still can't bring herself to get another one. Calamity Jane was the only carnivorous horse I ever knew (she loved egg mcmuffins!), You could put an unruly horse in a paddock beside her and she would have it tamed and docile in a week! Many's the time I've seen a bratty horse standing smack dab in the middle of it's paddock pleading with Jane to be allowed to move. The other one was buddy, our wolf cross. He was the softest, gentlest dog ever, kids adored him. But let a predator within 50 feet and he'd take it on, even if it were a bear. This 120 pound monster was convinced he was a lap dog and would 'scrunch up' on your lap, putting your leg to sleep. He was 15 when he died, very old for such a large dog, and with a heart condition to boot. I swear, I cried more when they died than I did when I lost a close friend (I know, inexcusable, but I had no control over my emotions).

579 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 9th 2011 at 9:30 AM
Ruth Orozco
Bob--so sorry about the Pit!! They are awesome dogs. Mine is sweet and docile and not even much of a guard dog--he'd rather lick you than lift a lip. (I hope the boyfriend got the boot)
I hear you Monica--my first dog as an adult was a Lab/Rottweiler who was a 90 pound lap dog. She broke my heart when she died at 12. 3 years later, I still miss her and find myself comparing these dogs (who I love dearly) to her. Not fair, but there's something about her, plus she was my "firstborn dog". I don't know if I'll ever get that attached again.

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 9th 2011 at 8:53 PM
Nate Dauer
This bothered me too when I fished up a plastic bag!

It also bothered me that the robot dome (R2D2) couldn't be sold for high-tech scrap metal, but instead counted as junk. :P

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 9th 2011 at 9:22 PM
Bob Woods
I am sorry to hear that Monica and yet it made me smile to hear about Buddy & Calamity Jane, they sound like they are worth the memories!

Ruth, he did get the boot, from our dad, lol. I was jealous, the old man did what I wanted to do, then my sister went and followed it up by stompin a mudhole in his behind & walkin it dry. She got arrested for it, lol! They are good dogs, I wish the media wouldn't give them such negative hype.
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