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Codename Entertainment
Devs: Base distribution of wins
Lvl 64 "Dispenser of Justice!"
407 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 16th 2012 at 2:16 PM
Benedikt Albert
Hi Devs. I'd like to know the base distribution of wins, so that I can actually do meaningful decisions on trinkets (e.g. Multicolored Marble). Please give us a chart like this:

30% Gold
20% Nothing
10% Fruit
10% Power
10% Mana
10% Puzzle Piece
10% Quest Item

I guess you do this calculation by drop values internally (so you can modify them with the trinkets), so if you don't need quest items and puzzle pieces, the chart would be:

300 Gold
200 Nothing
100 Fruit
100 Power
100 Mana

Which leads to:

37,5% Gold
25,0% Nothing
12,5% Fruit
12,5% Power
12,5% Mana

I am also fine with a base value chart, if that is easier for you. If you do it with drop values, that means if you increase a single value, it will decrease every other value, correct? You don't just decrease Nothing or Gold only?
Lvl 105 "Hero to the Downtrodden!"
886 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 16th 2012 at 3:47 PM
Last Edited May 16th 2012 at 3:47 PM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Benedikt,

All trinket bonuses take their additional odds out of the nothing pool. If you have enough bonuses that the nothing odds are 0 (not possible yet) then it increases the size of the pool which would cause the odds of everything else to be slightly decreased.

We don't give out the specific odd values to players for a number of reasons, but primarily to prevent tickets and posts along the lines of "I didn't win the expected amount of X inside of SMALL SAMPLE SIZE bushes your odds are wrong!". It also lets us tweak the odds or have different odds in different places without having to explain where and why the odds are different.

Lvl 64 "Dispenser of Justice!"
407 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 17th 2012 at 12:19 AM
Benedikt Albert
Thanks David.
I understand that.
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