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Codename Entertainment
Observations so far...

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 5th 2014 at 12:10 AM
Made it to level 12 so far today. A few observations that you might want to consider thinking about...

The stamina system is very bad so far. Need to make it more reasonable to get more missions. The way it is will turn people away from this game. (Sure it hsa been posted before, but it should be a priority to fix)

When you recover stam through fishing the last completed quest can be shown in it checked off. Not sure if this is all quests or just a single one yet.

At level 10 a free full respec should be given. By that time a player has a feel for the game and would benefit from being able to redo skills if they messed something up. While experienced players would be able to keep the respec till they really needed it.

Arena lobby doesn't show your battle rating or any of the four possible opponents battle rating.

Arena could use a 3 second count down. Fade to instant combat means you might not be able to set a skill before your first attack.

Friend and Guild requests should be moved to their own icon and only the quick disappearing text should be shown to someone (like a damage number on a hit). The current method is problematic as it shows up in battles and freezes up your capabilities until you accept or decline. This battle interference needs to be removed.

There is no way to accept a guild invite in the guild screen. One can only hit the red X and get rid of it. This probably stems from the necessity in the previous statement of having to choose to get the message off the screen in battle, and the fact that there is no "decide later" option.


Nice to see a game with good clean sprites that aren't 12000 animations bogging down flash.

Looks like you should have a really good game once you are done tweaking stuff.

793 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 6th 2014 at 12:25 PM
Justin Stocks (CNE Dev)
Just wanted to quickly reply to this to let you know that we appreciate the feedback. We are fixing the guild and friend invites so they're less obtrusive and you have a chance to respond to them later if you wish. We're also looking at reducing/eliminating the cost of skill respecs for certain level ranges.
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