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Codename Entertainment
EB 1 Birthday Event - The Scene is a Rip-off!

82 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 6th 2014 at 4:02 PM
Caren Katsmom
I've been through this with your events in the past, and I can't believe it's happening again. You forgot to DO the Birthday event last year, so it's the only event I hadn't started yet. The requirements to complete the Birthday scene are very difficult. You can only get scene elements in cards sent by friends. So I pursued getting new friends to help me out.

Now I'm furious at you. I feel that you are scamming me. One card after another contains DUPLICATE scene elements. I can't get any NEW ones, and I certainly won't get all of them by the end of this event, even if friends sent me 100 cards!! My friends are already spending a ton of birthday tokens, trying to help me complete that scene, and you are NOT being honorable. The only cards that contain scene elements are the pop-up cards (or higher level, that no one can afford). And every pop-up card delivers a pre-planned, useless duplicate... to force us to wait another year or two to complete that scene.

I just opened THREE pop-up cards from a friend. It resulted in THREE cupcakes. How did all THREE cards end up with the exact same duplicate item??? The odds of that happening, out of 16 total items, are astronomical. So now I have FIVE cupcakes... along with THREE balloons... THREE bottles (of whatever)... and THREE bowls of chips. Thanks a lot for nothing, Codename Entertainment. The daily cards from "the developers" are ALWAYS duplicates, too.

*Vent over now* --- but I'm really going to stop spending money on your games. You're not dealing with us honestly.

82 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 7th 2014 at 5:58 PM
Caren Katsmom
I'm happy to report that since my rant yesterday, things have improved. I finally received some NEW scene elements in cards from my friends. I sincerely hope it continues.

82 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 11th 2014 at 9:22 PM
Caren Katsmom
Things greatly improved -- thank you. My scene is now completed. :)
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