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Codename Entertainment
Option to be able to preview trophy rooms

37 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 11th 2014 at 12:42 AM
Rima Rama
I would really love to be able to see what the trophy rooms that go with each monkey look like before unlocking them, but specifically before spending my crystal bananas on the monkey whose room I like the most- apparently, seeing the rooms in the colors you've chosen for them has a pretty significant effect on what I was expecting a room to look like upon seeing it in just black and white, versus what it actually does. I've been picking which monkey to play next based on which trophy room I [ think I'll ] like the best, however what my idea of what it's going to look like has consistently been vastly different from what it actually *does* look like once I am able to see it in color-- no, I don't know why this makes such a difference, but it does!

I've been wanting this feature/change/whatever you want to call it- for a while but have been under the assumption that there must be a reason for keeping us from seeing the just what the rooms look like before unlocking them. I've been thinking about it though and I can't imagine what a downside would be to allowing us to be able to make fully informed decisions, if we choose to use the trophy rooms as a factor in our choice.

Thank you for your time!!
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