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Codename Entertainment
Need to adjust winnings vs cost of hammers etc

73 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 20th 2014 at 3:15 PM
Richs GhostDog
I play E2 and Bushwackers also and with a small monthly cash outlay, I can usually play for at least an hour a day, sometimes more if I am having a lucky day. Not so with this game, I'm lucky if I can get to play 15 minutes before I run out of hammers ( including using all the crates I get from friends each day) and even if I purchase more, 1000 hammers only lasts another 20 minutes or less dependent upon stage.You can't use the gold for much at all, and the tokens have to be used to pay for everything...seems lopsided. I'd definitely enjoy this game more if I could get more bang for my egg. Don't get me wrong, I still love DJArts games more than any others, just suggesting, not whining!
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