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Codename Entertainment
Monkey Break Tokens
Post by Leasha Rosenthal deleted January 24th 2018 at 5:14 PM

253 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 11th 2013 at 7:51 AM
Marc Kriguer
Unlike EB1 and EB Adventures, you can buy Monkey Break tokens for gold in EB2. You get 4 MB Tokens for a set amount of gold (the exact cost goes up for each banana you've earned), then doubles for an additional 4, then continues to double for the next 4 (etc).

However, if you buy 3 sets of 4 tokens, you can then use them (3 at a time to use 1000 hammers), for a total of 4000 hammers' worth of monkey breaks. Most likely, that's fairly close to your daily allocation of new hammers.
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