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Codename Entertainment
Attn Devs: Treasure Map bug?

2 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 26th 2013 at 6:45 AM
Sara Naparstek
I noticed I was missing both the bronze and silver level map prizes. So I used a lot of my hammers and hammer boosts to go back to the bronze level. Once I got all 9 pieces, I was told the next egg I cracked would have my prize. Since I didn't wanna get sucked into another few rounds of bronze (if there were silver or gold eggs), I went back to level 9 (silver) to crack it open. Except once I did, the map showed up as completed. I went back to bronze and the map shows up as completed there too. But I don't have the silver prize yet. Am I only allowed to win one map prize per level per week?

437 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 26th 2013 at 7:01 AM
Colleen Gillan
You can only win one map per week, and it will always be the lowest level that you need. There are 11 maps in each level and they rotate, so one week you might win a silver, but the next week you could be back to a bronze, depending on which maps you need. The stage levels and map levels (although named the same) have no relation to each other. It you go to your profile and select map prizes, it will show you which maps you have won and which you still need. The maps that are currently available to win have a light green line through them.

2 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 26th 2013 at 7:09 AM
Sara Naparstek
Alright thanks. I guess I thought I could try for the silver level one too for this week but I guess I'll have to wait like 3 mos. for it to come back around? Also, with regards you saying "it will always be the lowest level that you need", could I have won the bronze prize by playing on a silver level? Because I've finished everything else in bronze and it's otherwise a waste of time and hammers. Thanks

437 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 26th 2013 at 7:48 AM
Colleen Gillan
You can win the map on any levels are not connected to stage levels.
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