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Codename Entertainment
Coins to buy hammers or to trade between monkeys???

22 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 20th 2012 at 5:14 PM
Dawn Rae McClure
I cracked an egg earlier and used a multiplier. I got millions of coins and I was able to buy all the buy only prizes. I still have 27 million and going to get more in game coins since I'm not 100% complete.

As I understand it we are not able to transfer between monkeys. So my idea is there needs to be a store to buy hammers and/or stars or the in game coins to be able to transfer it to the other monkeys some how.

I understand that to make the game even and fair for new comers even if we traded the money at a portion of our total amount it would be OK with me. I just have all this money and nothing to do with it. (I never thought I would say that.)

886 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 20th 2012 at 5:49 PM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Dawn,

We may consider it in the future, but at a severely diminished return, or a limited per day rate. The big reason you can't transfer between monkeys is so you can have huge wins in one monkey without it breaking all the other monkeys. So any kind of transfer would have to be kept under tight control as not not break that.


15 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 21st 2012 at 3:32 AM
Tamra Lonewolf
Hi David. I have the same issue. I've bought all of my buy only items and am sitting with over $7 million in coins. Even if we could gift them to buddies or buy gifts for buddies .... anything really.

22 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 21st 2012 at 11:25 AM
Dawn Rae McClure
I remember in egg breaker 1 we could buy hammers and each time the price doubled. The diminished rate wouldn't bother me at all, because if that's all to the monkeys and you're not adding more to them the coins are sitting useless.

22 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 21st 2012 at 11:29 AM
Dawn Rae McClure
Or be able to trade them in for the tokens? I don't know, but Tamra is right anything is better than not being able to use it.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 21st 2012 at 11:46 AM
If the game is only a week old and people already have 7 million coin, then that's proof that trading coin would break the game just as other games by these developers had been broken.
So I think its a brilliant maneuver that the Dev's designed coin this way, just like the monkeys and who knows what other aspects of this game (I have no idea since I don't play the game).
If you don't like that aspect of the game then why don't you quit the game? You'd have only wasted a week 'trying out' a game.

15 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 22nd 2012 at 12:25 AM
Tamra Lonewolf
I don't want to quit playing the game Raymond because I love the game. It's because the game is only a week old that suggestions are being offered. It's still in the development stage.
How can you comment on "brilliant maneuvers" when you don't even play the game?

15 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 22nd 2012 at 12:30 AM
Tamra Lonewolf
Raymond - That wasn't meant to be a snide remark, in case it sounded like one. But seriously, if you're going to participate in the forums, you really should try the game so that you at least know the aspects of it. It is a lot of fun.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 22nd 2012 at 12:37 PM
My remark wasn't snide either. I only pointed out that I thought it's totally ridiculous that some people have millions of coin in about a week and that's the kind of thing that ruined their other games so the pre-planning of those being unusable in 'other' worlds in the game is brilliant on the part of the Developers. But I am sad that the developers are in any way thinking of changing this in the future. Way to go, cave into the requests of greedy/lucky people at the expense of making their possible position in the rankings never be reachable by anyone else.
That's what5 happened in BW1 when one person won 2 diamonds in the very first week of the game, and even when she eventually quit playing it took others over a year and a half to pass her ranking.

7 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 22nd 2012 at 10:22 PM
Dawn Anastos
if you could gift the coins, you'd be helping your friends who get into the game later - kind of win-win.
I'd like to be able to buy hammers with the coins.
I really don't play to see my standings go up ... I play because I love the game and it is relaxing for me.
Maybe something like the feathers in EB1 where you could trade various levels for other levels.
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