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Codename Entertainment
monkey tokens

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 26th 2012 at 6:50 PM
Carmen Donenfeld
How about some free monkey tokens daily, takes forever to get through 3000 hammers

83 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 27th 2012 at 3:27 AM
Lisa Edwards
Takes me about 10-15 min to use my daily hammers, and that is using quick break not MB tokens. You can purchase more MB tokens daily but the price goes up each time!!

437 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 27th 2012 at 6:22 AM
Last Edited May 27th 2012 at 8:54 AM
Colleen Gillan
I actually timed myself yesterday. I had 4900 hammers, used the quick break, but also played the games that came up, and used my multiplier 5 times. One of those times I had to stop to purchase the multiplier. It took me 11 minutes. Not really a big investment in time.

EDIT: Just for fun, I used monkey break today (something I don't usually do, because I feel you lose a lot of opportunities for using a multiplier stragically and earning a lot of score). Again, I played all the games that came up and did use my multiplier 4 times. I took me 6 minutes, so I saved a grand total of 5 minutes.

39 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 15th 2012 at 12:33 AM
Xyphir Ooi
It would be cool if the monkey tokens did 500 hammers instead of 250, but then, it may be that they do at a higher level like in EB1
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