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Codename Entertainment
100% to progress?
Lvl 74 "Nate's Apprentice"
741 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 23rd 2012 at 8:56 AM
Nate Dauer
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the progression in BW2 seems to be more like EB2 than BW1. That is to say, we must complete an area 100% before we are allowed to move to the next area.

Additionally, there are multiple puzzles per little area, but we must complete them all to be considered "finished" with the zone.

This is something I never really cared for too much in EB2, and would rather not see in BW2 at all.

I'm not saying let us pass through every area without doing anything, but we shouldn't be required to solve every single puzzle in every single area just to unlock the next zone. Give us something to go back to and finish up later on. One of the things that made BW1 superior to EB2 was that by allowing us to get from one zone to the next, we only needed to finish about half the objectives in each area, not all of them.

As I'm sure you're also aware, there are "racing" players whose main goal is to get through everything as quickly as possible. If you require them to get 100% before doing this, you cause two problems:
1. The racers who are fast finish up everything 100% and then start complaining that there isn't anything to do.
2. The racers who don't finish fast complain that there's too much to do just to get to the next area/zone.
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