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Codename Entertainment
Welcome to the new Forums!

793 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 10th 2011 at 12:11 PM
Last Edited November 10th 2011 at 2:56 PM
Justin Stocks (CNE Dev)
Hello everybody!

Welcome to our new Forums. Since Facebook has shut down the old forums we used, and the other forums we had been playing around with did not meet our standards, we decided to invest in some custom forums and these are the (albeit rushed) results.

We will be updating these forums over the next few weeks to bring them up to a state we're happy with, but we're releasing them now so that everybody has a place to chat.

A few things:
- You do currently need a Facebook account to participate in the forums.
- The forums are not thoroughly tested in browsers aside from Firefox and Chrome.

There are some major features lacking that we hope to add over the next little while:
- Ability to search the forums
- Ability to view new posts since the last time you logged in
- Notifications when someone replies to your post
- Ability to Log Out

Please use the feedback and bug report threads to give us feedback!

- Justin
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