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Codename Entertainment
Bug with level up
Lvl 34 "Vanquisher of Evil!"
32 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 19th 2012 at 12:15 PM
Jadey Allen Hansen
I am noticing when I level up, my bar only fills to one less than the total. It's only 1 energy point, so not that big of a deal, but still worth mentioning. Example: I have 1 energy point left to my name and I use it to whack a bush and level up. I get a message saying that my energy capacity is higher and my energy has been refilled. However, it is always 89/90, 99/100, 109/110. Never a completely full gauge. I don't hit any extra bushes after the level up, just the one I hit before the level up, so I don't know why this would occur.
Lvl 400 "Public Servant"
793 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 19th 2012 at 12:59 PM
Justin Stocks (CNE Dev)
Hi Jadey,

Thanks for the report. This should be fixed shortly.

- Justin
Lvl 25 "Is Puzzled"
3 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 19th 2012 at 1:14 PM
Tuan K. Goh
can we not lose any remaining energy when we level up?
I mean can we stack up the old energy pool with the new Refill.
also I always use Quick Whack, upon leveling up it took some energy away from the new Refill as if the balancing few whacks of that Quick Whack consume energy from the new Refill and not from the old energy Pool that I got before leveling up!
2 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 19th 2012 at 2:21 PM
Stacy Purvin Berry
why can't i move screens... got all the wood and now i can't go back... the game isn't fitting the screen and rather annoying, also can't get to the bush cash
10 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 19th 2012 at 3:16 PM
Cami N Woolly
I'm with Tuan on this one. I always wondered why, when you level up and your have energy left, it isn't added to the energy you already have. If you're only a few points from levelling up and you have full energy, you loose - or just don't get, depending on how you look at it - the levelling up refill. We know you can have more energy than just the full bar so why not keep the energy you already have AND get the full refill too?
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