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Codename Entertainment
93% failure rates are junk

3 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 3rd at 7:37 AM
(3% success and a failure rate of 95%.. If your Success rate isn't 100% you can pretty much guarantee a failure in quests. I realize this game is in "Sunset" mode.. But an update wouldn't hurt much... and I am sure they still make some Dollars off this game.

3 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 3rd at 7:48 AM
Oh, and another question... Why Don't the Mission Doublers Succeed more often.. I can have mission failures at 90% success rate or above fail 75% of the time. But, Mission Doublers with 10% or More, Never succeed Ever! I mean a Failure rate of well into the 95%+ rate. That means maybe 1 every 50+ missions will get doubled.. while 30+ of every 50 missions Fail with a 90% or more "Success Rate"!
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