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Codename Entertainment
Dungeon points buff stopped working early?

9 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 4th 2021 at 9:29 AM
Hi, I've currently got the Party in the Depths legendary buff (increases dungeon points earned by 100%) and it says it expires in about 9 hours. I just restarted and it didn't give me the double points (should have been a little over 2K but was only a little over 1K). It was working last night and has been working all week. I have screen shots of both the restart rewards screen and the buff showing that there are still 9 hours left.

One other note: When I checked the remaining buff last night, I could have sworn that it would end at 6p local time today, but now the buff is showing that it will end at 10p local time. Maybe I counted wrong last night or maybe something is going screwy with the buff itself?

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 4th 2021 at 3:18 PM
It was supposed to expire at Noon Pacific Time today, but it might not have had the right end time.

If you put in a support ticket, I can credit you the extra points for that reset.
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